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Melotte 15 revisited


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I thought i would balance the scales a bit and post an image out of satisfaction as opposed to dissatisfaction.  I was never happy with the way this data came out and I have worked and reworked it to many times to count over a long period of time.  I have finally hit upon what I feel is a decent result.  There are some issues, such as the very fine scale granular appearance of the red dust--which is worsened by the very tiny stars being little spots of red--and teh stars are not perfect as a whole (rimmed in red a bit).   I specifically refrained from using noise control as I did not want to fall into the "too much noise control" camp--a place I often found myself with previous versions.   Since this is only visible upon full resolution--I can live with it (until I can devise a way of correcting it without impairing other aspects of the image).   I am pleased with the fact that I did not use too much noise suppression, and sharpening was kept to a minimum as well--so no sharpening artifacts, which plagued the central structure in  previous attempts.   The palette is more to my liking as well--which tended toward the purple in previous attempts (or very dark).  By far my most balanced attempt.  Perhaps the most surprising thing-though maybe it shouldn't be, is the fact that I processed this image in about 20 minutes compared to the hour upon hour upon hour of my previous marathon sessions.  Part of that was due to me being familiar with the data--but part is also due to a concerted effort at simplification.

I hope you like it.  I think it needs a wee bit of noise control

TOA 130 with STT-8300 and 3nm Astrodon filters:  Ha 21 30min. OIII 15 30 min, SII 9 30min  (21 hours)



Edited by Rodd
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10 minutes ago, MartinB said:

This is beautiful Rodd.  There is never a perfect image if you analyze things very very closely so don't do that!.  It is perfect on my laptop at the presented resolution.  Fantastic work.

Thanks Martin.  I'll put my manacle away (for now!)


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Lovely image. I've got this on my hit-list (Just re-started it) but will have to raise my game enormously to come anywhere close. Love that braided dusty loop just emerging from the orange clouds on the left.

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20 minutes ago, alan potts said:

Well that appears to be a very decent result to me and I can see why you like it. Not one I can recall seeing in my short time at AP but a lovely image in every way.


Thanks Alan. I posted it some time ago—a couple of years I think

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2 minutes ago, DaveS said:

Lovely image. I've got this on my hit-list (Just re-started it) but will have to raise my game enormously to come anywhere close. Love that braided dusty loop just emerging from the orange clouds on the left.

Thanks Dave. It would be interesting to image that feature with a long focal length and big aperture

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30 minutes ago, DaveS said:

I'll put it on the target list for the ODK12 when I get it up and running, though 2040 mm might not be enough.

I am sure you will open doorways to landscapes as yet unseen (in this image anyway) at 2040.  I find it amazing that any FOV, regardless of what is imaged can be  amazing.  I suppose that is why a small chip like the Atik 460/490 can work so well.


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