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New: ASI533mc-pro

Adam J

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Here's a quick process of data i downloaded courtesy of a tester on cloudynights. https://www.cloudynights.com/topic/684805-zwo-asi533mc-pro-impressions-with-test-results/

Data is great, although i do see some calibration errors in the stacked file. Really looking forward to getting my hands on data with the Imx571 when it's available.


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On 14/12/2019 at 13:14, Andy274 said:

Mine arrived this morning.  Cannot wait to get this on my setup (just ordered a 70mm triplet)

I've had mine for a week or so - still waiting for some decent clear skies! 🤔

I've started to build up a Dark library but from what I'm reading (and seeing around) it might not always be necessary (as I have BPM too).  Also using Apt to determine the right exposure for Flats 👍

Did you add on the duo band filter?  It sounded like orders direct from ZWO in the US were getting this included? 😮

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Story there  - I did order the WO 72mm triplet, but after ordering i found out its not available until sometime in Jan, so i cancelled & got the Altair 70mm triplet instead.  Which arrived today - so cant wait to get them both mounted & for the clouds to disappear  

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