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Update: Be part of the Rosetta Mission - help with my PhD!


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Some you may know that I am currently studying for a PhD with the Open University 🙂   My research is entitled 'Observing Rosetta's Comet: the ground-based campaign'. 

My research questions are:

1 - How can a multi-scale analysis of observations of comets 67P and 46P help our understanding of comet evolution?

2 - And what lessons can we learn from an assessment of the effectiveness of the 67P amateur campaign and the 46P schools’ campaign that can the improve future campaigns?

I am primarily considering the amateur data on comet 67P, and then looking at how that fits with data from professional observatiories and of course the close-up data from the Rosetta spacecraft 😉   Comet 46P was the original target for the mission, and it was favourably placed recently, hence the new observing campaign I ran with some schools.


For the second part of the research I'm seeking views on the amateur campaign.  I'm contacting directly those who signed up for the campaign.  But I'm also really interested in the views of astronomers who didn't sign up, but might possibly consider becoming involved in future comet (or other pro-am) campaigns.  This is where SGL comes in 🤗

I've devised a quick online questionnaire (google forms) which I'd like to get as many people as possible to fill in.

If you could help that would be great! (thank you by cake at next SGL event 😉 )




Many thanks


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  • Helen changed the title to Be part of the Rosetta Mission - help with my PhD!
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  • Helen changed the title to Update: Be part of the Rosetta Mission - help with my PhD!

Thanks to everyone who took the time to complete the survey - I've got lots of food for thought (and there's still time if anyone else would like to complete the survey 😉 )

I presented my emerging findings, alongside the work I've been doing with schools, and the plans for analysing 67P amateur data at the Royal Astronomical Society's Special Meeting on Comets yesterday.  The presentation took the form of a poster, and I had lots of interest in the work and many good conversations about it all too.

Here's the poster I presented and a picture of me in deep animated discussion about it in the rather splendid library at RAS (and beneath a portrait of Francis Bailey - after whom Bailey's beads are named 😉

Thanks again, 




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