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FireCap can autoguide on the image capture camera in H-alpha!.


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I was surprised to discover that FireCap can auto-guide on the sun in H-alpha using the image capture camera. [ZWOASI174MM]

With my 6" f/10 PST H-alpha modified telescope, tracking on the sun, on my home made AWR-ASCOM driven mounting, FireCap happily kept the sun quite stationary.
Four green arrows in the top right corner of the live image, capture screen, flashed red when short drive corrections were made.
Sadly, cloud kept intervening. Causing the image to dim beyond the software's ability to maintain a lock on its anchor.
While it obviously preferred the sun's limb [boxed in red] it chose to lock onto clearly visible, surface texture at one point.
It follows that it could probably lock onto Mercury for the transit, cloud permitting. 

Worth knowing? I thought so. :thumbsup:

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I don't usually use FireCapture and still much prefer SharpCap.
FireCapture still seems totally opaque compared to SharpCap.
SharpCap has experimental monitoring for auto-guiding but doesn't actually guide.

PHD2 was denied a connection by ASCOM.
When I finally managed to get a Solar image in PHD2 it proved impossible to reduce the exposure.
I was using my Vixen 90 with 1000mm F/L and solar foil. I should probably try a filtered finder next.

I was hoping to use my 120MC for auto-guiding with PHD2 and SharpCap.
Must try harder at this. At least I have options to play with instead of watching the clouds tomorrow.

There's something rather magical about auto-guiding.  As in: "Look, no hands, Mum!" :smile:

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