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Heads Up-Dome


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If you lived local and get it at a good price, help from a few mates your laughing , bit of sprucing up could transform this 👍 being fibreglass easily cut with a jigsaw and rebonded back together if need be .

dust mask 😷 recommend 

Edited by bottletopburly
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Thats an interesting solution to the aperture problem. Not sure I would trust the weight of it on that hinge but it does look like it may have had safety wires attached.

FYI, I happen to know these wont fit in a luton without cutting 🤣 Flatbed trailer is the way to go. Potentially a bargain though I paid around £600 for mine.


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I wonder how high the bidding will go?   Doesn't really damage the eye, it could certainly be tidied up with some TLC. I'm sure there will be interested parties within these walls.

Getting it moved out could be a deterrent, but it may come apart easy enough. 


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These earlier ones are one piece bases and one piece dome, the later designs got assembled in sections and much easier to move I imagine.


That's the largest luton I could get, and thats the only orientation it would go in.


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I'm definitely not in the bidding for this. However, I did ask the seller a couple of questions that might be helpful to SGL member's if wondering about buying.

The area is flat. There are no steps or ramps to negotiate to get off site. There is a gap of about 10ft alongside the house for access. The seller does not need the site clear by a specific date - but wants to make a start on the back of the (recently bought) house quite soon.

Bidding was at £1.20 when I last looked.


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