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LRGB Horsehead and surroundings - Epsilon and ED80s


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Here is my first completed image of this season, the iconic Horsehead Nebula. Still mastering the LRGB combination bit, any pointers welcome.


Acquisition dates: 04/02/19 and 26/10/19

Equipment: ED80 / Epsilon 180ed

Cameras: Atik 383L+ / QHY9

Mount: EQ6 with Finderscope guider/120MM

Filters: Svbony UV-IR and Baader RGB

Exposures: L 250 mins / R 75mins / G 75 mins / B 65min

Total integration time: 6 3/4 hours


Thanks for looking!



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That is magnificent. That's one of the best I've ever seen too.

You have used two quite different scopes haven't you! Which images were obtained with each?

PS That Epsilon is one hell of a scope isn't it. Hell of a price too! I've just been looking at the specs on FLO. 

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1 hour ago, carastro said:

Very nice Adam, so how did you solve the EFW problem?


Thanks Carole.  It took three restarts of the PC but I was able to get the EFW I have connected and moved to Lum, then unplugged it before it crashed everything.  The RGB is from other data with my ED80s.  TBH I need to just buy that EFW3

2 hours ago, Craney said:


Thanks-you - maybe sometime Sean Lol

2 hours ago, Ouroboros said:

That is magnificent. That's one of the best I've ever seen too.

You have used two quite different scopes haven't you! Which images were obtained with each?

PS That Epsilon is one hell of a scope isn't it. Hell of a price too! I've just been looking at the specs on FLO. 

Thank-you.  I used the ED80 for RGB and the epsilon for Lum.  I deciding whether to sell of the ED80s but they are super super scopes.

2 hours ago, paul mc c said:

Stunning mate.......

Thanks Paul 

3 hours ago, david_taurus83 said:

That's one of the best I've seen! Lots of detail in the darker dusty stuff!

Appreciate the comment Dave, for under 3 hours luminance I was surprised myself.

1 hour ago, newbie alert said:

Superb Adam...

Thanks :D



It does look very light now that I'm on my PC monitor.  Could be just this screen.

Edited by tooth_dr
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Love that dust!  Superb image.  You've muted the ha a fair bit which helps to reveal the dust but possibly a tad anaemic, this isn't a criticism just a reflection on processing options.  It's a brilliant piece of work.

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Very nice.  I have a similat problem with my STT 8300--filter wheel jams periodically.  Often requires a dismount and manual unsyicking.  That of course ruins the fra ming and flats.  The ASI 1600 is only marginally better--the filter wheel does not set accurately enough to allow the use of flats for more than 1 use--as soon as there is a filter change, the flats are no longer good.  This is very irritating when you want to shoot more than 1 filter in a night.  The really irritating thing is sometimes when I do a meridian flip, the ASI 1600 fails and I have to turn it off and reboot maxim (and sometimes the computer)--which of course nullifys the flats.  

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Thanks very much for the feedback.  I'm planning on adding some Ha to this.  I'm not sure if I can add more colour.  I will have to break down my kit to change the EFW, and I am not planning on keeping it in the same orientation in a bid to reduce the distance of the weight from the dec axis.

FWIW, i adjusted the curves to lower the brightness.




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39 minutes ago, assouptro said:

Stunning image Adam

thanks for sharing, can I ask, how long are the individual subs? 



Thanks Bryan

The subs were all 300s, but this over exposed Alnitak.  The RGB was from an ED80, at F6.3, so a lot less exposed that the epsilon Lum at F2.8

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