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TS Optics reducer elements loose

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Last night I was doing a test fit of my new Baader Canon t ring. This t ring allows the insertion of a 2 inch filter within the t ring. The TS Photoline 3" 0.79 reducer has a fairly large 6mm depth Male M48 thread on the camera side so I wanted to make sure the thread didn't touch the filter. Good news, it doesn't as the filter sits at least 1mm lower within the t ring. However, the tolerance on the Baader female M48 thread must be incredible as it's a very tight fit. It squeaked and squealed with disapproval on both fitting and removal. Well this resonance from the squeaking has loosened the glass elements in the reducer! See below. The retaining ring is still in the factory position as someone has marked the notches with black felt tip to indicate their position on the thread. However the glass elements now move freely by about 4mm. I'm baffled. I can understand the retaining ring maybe coming a bit loose but it's never unscrewed itself that much. Are the elements glued/set in place and the retaining ring is set lower? Or have they been set incorrectly at the factory and the ring was screwed to the bottom element when the top element had a bit of room left behind it inadvertently? I've always struggled a bit with spacing on this to the camera. Got mixed results. Could this be the reason? First 2 pics show the gap between bottom element and the ring. 3rd pic shows the reducer held upside down and the glass elements fall to the ring. 4th pick is the M48 camera side showing gap between top element and shoulder.





Edited by david_taurus83
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