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Frames are fogy/out of focus


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Hi, I've bought a new setup about month ago. I have Atik 460EX, AT 65/420 quadruplet, qhy cfw2 7x36mm with all baader filters. I didin't have motofocuser yet and all focus was on 10s frames loaded into Maxim to check FHWM. I've gather some Ha material from city and I was very happy about them. But when It comes to OIII, it was a little disappointment. All frames was a little fogy and bend. OIII require good conditions, so I said to my self "ok I try with no moon" 

But when new moon cames, I went to moutains on sky 21.6 mag to test LRGB. My goal was M33. I focus 10s frame. Ok 1.8 fwhm, lets try - and result was horrible. Completly "milky/fogy" detail. FWHM was 4.5 on every LRGB fitler. Ok maybe still its bad conditions, because fog was in valley. Next day I went to better spot with no fog and very clear sky. Some of my companions have excelent frames but my... Was still the same. So I tried OIII and SII. Still detail was fogy and unclear. I don't know what's wrong? I wasted 4 days with no moon on doing fogy frames. Ofcourse I have heater on telescope, optic was clear. My friend also give me bahtinov mask, and on bahtinov focus was perfect, also on 10s frames fwhm was 1.7-1.9.
The one thing, that cames to my mind, that I didin't chech is that filters haven't dew. But my FW is closed and all of connections are on rings. It is possible that camera/filter have dew too? I don't know what to do and now everything except Ha is ruined.

I attatch some frames to you guys to check what is look like. I sort frames from city and from trip. 


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@tooth_dr sure.

Two JPEG L and B STF from Pixinsight. B looks better for me. On L, look at stars on right side ;) 
I have no experience with camera, but Ha was good from city. And I tried to stack these L of m33 and it was very poor result

m33 B.jpg

m33 L.jpg

Edited by Danon
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I know that I have some problem with tilt but on Ha there were smaller differences. It could be only tilt problem? Why on L is so huge comapres to Ha? 

Now I saw that on Ha also right side have diferent stars. Due to narrowband wavelenght differences are less visible? 

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2 hours ago, Danon said:

I know that I have some problem with tilt but on Ha there were smaller differences. It could be only tilt problem? Why on L is so huge comapres to Ha? 

Now I saw that on Ha also right side have diferent stars. Due to narrowband wavelenght differences are less visible? 

If you know you have tilt problems then I would try to get those fixed before worrying about focus itself.  L stars include all wavelengths so will be bigger than Ha. Your focus is good on the left side side 👍🏻

Edited by tooth_dr
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