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M33 DSWM First Light


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Here is my first proper image taken with an Esprit 150, G2-8300 and Mesu, now residing in their new permanent observatory.

20 x 300 secs L, 4 x 300 secs RGB, total integration time, 2 hrs 40 mins. Calibrated in APP, processed in APP and GIMP.

Based on this, I think my sky is better in Shropshire than North Yorkshire, which is good, as I did try to relocate to a darker location.

Framing is rubbish, and still noisy,  but hopefully bodes well for the dual rig.

Thanks for looking.



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Ooh, that's really rather good for such a short integration time on a target with low surface brightness. M33 is harder than people think. Just shows how good your sky is now. Only thing I'd do is rotate the camera by 90 deg, but you know that already.

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Thanks for the comments.

As soon as I saw the first sub I knew I should rotate the camera but my head was still sore from my encounter with the counter weight (see post in the Astro Lounge) so with that in mind I pressed on with this “test” image.

I will be more rigorous in future, should help when I get SGP up and running which is the next scheduled improvement.

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