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First proper proper session, lots achieved.


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I've used the term "proper proper" as I guess I've had a few chances to zoom outside and study things briefly but following on the success of figuring out how my scope works and being confident using it - and then having a session where I found a couple of objects using stellarium / books and so on - then I felt like I was "ready" for last night and reasonably well prepared.

I'm having some great fun with my Meade Polaris 70/900 refractor and don't even mind the equatorial mount too much (although I fully respect that some people warned me off it and I can 100% see where they were coming from but this package was just so cheap I had to take the risk!). I think astronomy is probably something I will stick with so would like to upgrade to a bigger scope. But before I do that I really want to "earn my stripes" if you know what I mean! So I've set myself certain criteria to achieve before I consider upgrading:

1. Image Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Venus (can't really achieve this until next summer anyway so that's a good way to put the brakes on my spending!!)

2. Find, view and draw at least 75 Messiers (although this may be challenging given last nights events)

3. Complete a lunar mosaic.

My little scope has the noisy coffee grinder / bees in a box motor drive with it, and it seems to work well enough I guess, so I think imaging with my ASi120 is theoretically possible.

Anyway! Last night was incredible, clear skies from about 3pm, great conditions with very little twinkle in the stars (which I read is a good thing) and no moon anywhere that I could see. I set my scope up before dark and spent a couple of hours on Stellarium having a look at what I could potentially see. Below is what I achieved:

M13 - I've read everywhere that M13 is one of those "must see" things in the sky, and reasonably easy to find too which made it right up my street! Using the sort of square shape in Pegasus it didn't take too long to find as it was sort of between two brighter stars above and below. It was a relatively large and easy to spot splodge, but with "averted vision" it really came to life with a sort of central core appearing and almost like a spidery or spoke type of pattern radiating from it.

M92 - As it is just above M13, many people seem to suggest that these two go to together as a pair, so it made sense to stay in the same area and go straight for this one! Also, time was against me as Hercules was rapidly disappearing into the leylandii at the edge of our garden - and this is why I went for M13 first as it was lower. M92 wasn't too difficult to find; using the top of the square of Hercules as the base of an equilateral triangle with M92 at the top it was easy to find. It was quite different to M13 though in that it was much smaller but seemed to have a much brighter and more condensed core. If it stopped right there it would have been a new record with 2 messiers spotted in one night!

M57 - So I moved over to M57 and using the two stars below Vega, found the right region quite quickly. But it took me a few mins to find M57 as I was looking through my 40mm plossl and nearly missed it as it was so small! I was aware that in bins it is described as a "slightly out of focus star" at low powers so swapped to the 25mm and it jumped out at me. I could see the ring shape at 25mm but it was much more defined at 15mm (60x). I really enjoyed the view through averted vision and could definitely see a halo with a couple of mis practice. Such a strange thing I've never seen anything quite like it! Although it should be pointed out that at this point my lack of forethought with my equatorial mount was becoming an issue as I'd gone from sitting on a seat to sitting on a low stool to actually sitting on the patio the higher I got to the zenith! It reminded me very clearly of the smoke rings I learnt to blow at university many years ago in an attempt to show off and look uber-cool (didn't work!)

Double double (epsilon lyrae) While I was in the area I had a go at the double double; having spent some time on the forums I know that many people say they are a "test of your telescope optics". Now I'm not too sure exactly what they mean but I thought I'd have a go and report my findings anyway! Once I'd found Vega it was quite easy to narrow it down. With my 6.5mm Plossl I got a magnification of about 133x and that was just (just!) enough to split them! Saw a definite clear black stripe between all four components with a perfect little ring (airy disk??) around them which made on of them look like a tiny snowman. Does that mean my optics are good? I have no idea but was quite impressed!

M71 - This was a tough one - really tough! I knew I was looking in the right place as I'd found the arrow of Sagitta quite easily in my 50mm finder scope, and using the 40mm plossl the area appeared blank to me. Or did it?? After a couple of minutes of study and moving the scope around I began to suspect the faintest whisp of something. To be sure my eyes weren't tricking me I moved the scope a little and the smudge stayed where it was. I changed to the 25mm plossl and the increased contrast made a difference. I spent in the region of 10 mins just staring at what I was seeing and it very very slowly got clearer as my eyes adjusted. With AV I could just make out the faintest twinkle of tiny stars within in and across it. I did the most careful drawing I could and then checked SkySafari on my phone to see if the star patterns matched and they did, so I'd bagged it. Just! But this may be a problem in itself as I'm trying to get to 75 Messiers from my back garden and double checking a list of messiers arranged by apparent visual magnitude showed the M71 was only about 65th down the list with an apparent visual magnitude of 8.3 so this may make getting to 75 a challenge if this is the faintest I can go. Only time will tell.

M27 - a much easier find! Looked a bit like a rectangle with occasional hints on "apple core on its side with AV" but no colour at all which was a shame.; not like all the amazing astro-photos!

M29 - Hmmm... apart from having to sit on the patio again (!) I was a little but underwhelmed with this one. In all honesty if it wasn't for my second hand 50mm finder I never would have found it. In the eyepiece it was just a "group of stars in a bigger field of stars!" but in the finder it was clearer what I was looking for with a hint of nebulosity which may or may not have been there in the 40mm - I'm just not sure... I can sort of see why its called "the cooling tower" but for some reason it looked more like one of those old fashioned oil cans!

M15 and M2 - like M13 and M92, these two were in an area of sky that seemed to suggest I could bag them both. M15 was definitely my favourite of the two - although I did note that in the 15mm finder both definitely did look like comets so I can see where Messier was coming from! M15 was lovely, a big bright punch that had a bright sparkly core that really jumped out with averted vision! M2 was good but much more subtle and less defined that M15 - but I did wonder if the fact it was quite low to the south in the direction of my nearest big town played a part? Both of these benefitted from 15mm plossls for more contrast.

M39 - Last one! Seemed like the only obviously achievable one left in that portion of the sky so I thought it would be rude not to! Took a while to figure out what I was looking for - so had to resort to SkySafari for help! Luckily there was a small "stripe" of stars running close by that acted as a great pointer. I think part of the problem was that having spent a lot of the night hunting for globular clusters I was a little surprised at how large and open M39 was - it was big, took up most of the view with my 40mm eyepiece (which is much wider than the maximum width of the scope granted). In my notes I wrote that it looked like a "Christmas tree sitting in a tent", which is either a sign of madness or perhaps tiredness setting in!

So with that, called it a night. Had hoped to tick 4 or maybe 5 things off the list but the conditions were so good I just kept going! If you are still here at this point many thanks for sticking with me, I just wanted to chronicle this all somewhere as it was a very exciting experience!!










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1 hour ago, grjsk said:

Excellent report! A very nice read. What did you use to create those images/sketches? They look really nice.

Thanks grjsk very kind. At the moment I'm sketching them at the eyepiece but its not a very impressive process! So I'm redrawing them on my phone when I come back in. I've been playing with two different application - Sketch (Sony standard application) and Autodesk Sketch (free version). Both are ridiculously powerful and quite similar but I'm a terrible artist so it doesn't matter too much. Another skill to learn! But either way they look much neater than my little scrawls so better to share!

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Great report. That's the area that I've been looking at recently. It's good to read about other people doing similar things (albeit with extra sketches). I really like the sketches- I really should have a go. It would make me slow down at the eyepiece.

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