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Monitor calibration

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Having put a lot of time into processing an image on one comptuter it's a bit frustrating to have a look on another machine to find that it looks awful. My laptop seems ok and is an approximate match to what comes out of the printer. I have attempted to calibrate the monitors but can't really get my desktop close. Maybe its just a limitation of the monitor.

How do others go about ensuring the accuracy of what they are seeing when processing and with matching what comes out of the printer?

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Hi Martin, you might find the following link useful for your quest on monitor balance, good luck


I basically have set my monitors useing the gamma / colour space that comes with the software, PSP7, Capture One.

I have balanced everything around the D70, it is very expensive to obtain full and total control, there are softwares available that are used in situations where the absolute correct gamma / colour space are critical.

Check out the options available at Warehouse Express.com, click on the digital section, then colour management section. there are many options available costing upto £1000.

One simple one that I have used in the past is a simple colour chart, that I photographed at the start of each film, then when it was processed, I printed it to match the original. Changing locations, lighting, time of day, etc. means that I had to shoot a test card each time.

I will see if I can find you an electronic copy and pm it to you.


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You're not on your own Martin, i'm lurking!!

I was looking for the link for calibrating your monitor....

Photoshop has a similar wizard.. for monitor calibration.

Do you use an CRT monitor or a flat screen one (I know you said you use a laptop) But what about your main puter.


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Thanks Steve. That looks pretty handy especially having 2 laptops and a desktop on the go, plus another at work (not that I ever use that for playing of course :lol:) £120 isn't way over the horizon but a few other priorities 1st I guess.

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