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ASPS download index files error


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Hello. I have recently bought a new scope so went into reconfigure ASPS to change the focal length and download any extra index files I need. Instead of downloading I get an HTTP 1.1 503 error indicating the server is unavailable. See screenshot. Tried on two machines, even tried a new install and a VPN connection just in case my internet provider causing problems but it still doesn't work. Contacted the guys at Astrometry.net who host all the data and they said it looks fine their end, not sure if ASPS keeps a copy of the index files on their own server and doesn't download from Astrometry.net. 

Just wondered if anyone else experiencing same issue?




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I contacted the developer of ASPS and they got back to me super quick stating the server is down for maintenance for a few days, at least. I really only needed the index-4212 file but even if I got the file from Astrometry.net I don't think it is in the correct format 'out-the-box' as ASPS must parse it to its own usable format, which doesn't seem possible to do manually.

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