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Veil in HOO


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This is 55m Ha and 130m OIII taken with a G3 16200, Chroma filters with a Tak 106 with 3,6 reducer.

I was hoping to blend in some SIII. but my 12nm SII filter is too noisy in my light polluted skies, and it produces huge stars!

The camera is still new to me, and after 55m Ha I thought that I couldn't improve by taking any more.  It looks like I was wrong.  The OIII data is much deeper and cleaner.  This is a completely new problem for me - but a very nice problem to have.  I will probably come back to this next year and get some more data.

Feedback (good and bad) on how the image looks would be appreciated.


color scaledVeilb.jpg


Edited by don4l
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Thank you all for the positive comments.  I nearly didn't post the image because I felt that it needed more Ha.  The funny thing is that this is undoubtedly my best image to date.  There is something about this camera that I cannot quite get my head around.  The data doesn't seem to need much processing - and it isn't obvious (to me) why that is the case.  It is also easy to see how more data will improve the image, in a way that didn't apply to me last camera.


@ollypenrice has made comments about the data from his Atik 11000 camera being a joy to work with.  I wonder if I am seeing something similar here?

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  • 6 months later...

That's a real beauty. Lovely framing too.

I have the colour version of that camera - it takes a bit of getting used to but I'm definitely liking it more and more. I can't wait to give the veil another crack later in the year.


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