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Difficult from England NGC 7293

alan potts

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Took a shot or two of this, 12 in truth, as it is something that may not be possible from England as it only reaches about 22 degrees above the horizon here and maybe gets over looked, it would also appear my Flats are not taking out the dust and fluff, maybe need redoing. So this is 12 times 4 minute subs on 071 through 805mm APO with Hutech flattener. I have made the sky darker to hide the dust bunnies so I know about that.

I am surprised it came out as well as it has for such a short exposure and as it was so low in the sky.




Feel free to offer advice or just trash it.


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1 hour ago, Filroden said:

It’s nice and subtly processed. You’ve kept it looking natural. 

My only feedback is your smaller stars are square.

I actually wonder if they are indeed stars or some hot pixels that for whatever reason have found there way into the frame, see what you mean though. can't say I noticed when I processed it. Then it could be very low down guiding, not great are they.

I had a closer look at the subs and some are poor and not guided very well in opposing directions but because i have just shot this for mainly UK based people to see I used all the frames, not very easy getting anything this low as I am sure you know Ken, never mind must try harder.


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Nice image Alan I am really pleased that you are getting into the dark side.

From home I can see the Helix quite well. In fact I can screw filters into my 15x70 Apollo Bins and can make out detail. A few weeks ago I bought one of these TeleVue Nebstar filters and had a very decent view of the Helix in my 12" Dob.

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1 hour ago, fwm891 said:

Nice Alan - Certainly can be seen from the UK (just) - my effort on same earlier this year:

Mixed process APP + PI



That's really nice Francis and when I know how low it is here you can only just be above the horizon, your guide looks decent to, I didn't check my subs, some are not very good and used all of them. So much like the Ring isn't it?


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15 hours ago, astro mick said:

The Helix is really nice Alan,and with proper flats it would lift it no end.


I seem to be having problems with flats Mick, don't really know why either, after all they are not that difficult. I am not sure how much of a focus movement means you have to replace, I took these the night after so maybe the day warming up moved focus just a tad but by evening had gone back , expansion and contraction, is that how it works. I haven't moved the camera at all. Just used the white T shirt and light table at 1 second, though before i used 2 seconds, what's the best way?

Will try the Helix, er when I remember where it is.


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I have to confess I didn't know this was the Helix nebular, well you learn something every day.  the guide wasn't very good this low and the stars ar a bit out of shape, I could try to edit the subs and add some more captures to the stack.


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15 hours ago, Laurin Dave said:

That’s very nice Alan.. wondering whether your low black level is causing you to lose some of the Nebulosity.  Maybe a closer crop and less clipping would show more?


I may well try to add to the amount of subs, I only really tried it because I thought it would be something that may well be a problem from England, though Francis managed it pretty well. There are some nasty blotches from dust if I lift the background and I preferred not to show it, for sure this has lost some of the fainter stuff. I will try to add to it tonight as weather is set clear for a few more days. It is a target that I can only get onto for about 90 mins due to trees. Tried some more Flats and Dark Flats last night, I don't really see where I am going wrong there. Not a problem I have had before.


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I did try this one a few years ago, but its low in my location, and the seeing was terrible. I think at that time I only got a few subs off with an outline of the main nebula.

Yours is a good attempt, especially as the faint outer ring is starting to show.


Edited by Skyline
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1 hour ago, Skyline said:

I did try this one a few years ago, but its low in my location, and the seeing was terrible. I think at that time I only got a few subs off with an outline of the main nebula.

Yours is a good attempt, especially as the faint outer ring is starting to show.


It was more a half hearted go at it, I can get more subs but with it being low the guiding is far from good, there are a few subs in the post od NGC 7293 that are not round, the time I tend to shoot the sky it always active, even though in that direction I have basically no light until Greece, so LP is not an issue.

Maybe add some subs to this and at least try and make it good.


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Great work Alan. That looks very nice. I really like the palette.  This one is low for me too.  I have a short window that is usually commandeered by cumulonimbus.  I have trouble with flats too, because my filter wheel doesn’t line up accurately.   I have no choice but to take flats before any filter change.   A lot of extra work

I use a flat man from optec    It works great. Very reproducible results for all filters ( I wish it could be brighter for Ha though.  I need to take 40 sec Ha flats.   But it was definitely worth the money    


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