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My AllSky Camera


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Started putting together some parts to build an Allsky camera. Had a good deal on a Zwo Asi290MC off Ebay and a few other items to mount it.

Some 4" soil pipe and end caps plus dome to start with. Dew heater and other bits to follow.

Drilled the top cap already so looks like it should all fit !

Plan is to run on an RPi of some sort all within the pipe connected via wireless to my network so I only need to provide power.

Thanks to Gina and others for the inspiration and ideas.


Edited by CedricTheBrave
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I've got one of those, used it with an earlier version of my ASC with a 3" dome where it worked fine.  May try it again with the 4" dome - it has many advantages over separate resistors.

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My thoughts have been directed to the position on this camera as the video I have taken so far has been less than perfect. I am thinking maybe really high like above the gutter line on the house. This may cause issues with cleaning but the design i am looking at may have the added benefit of looking like a standard soil pipe vent therefore reducing the complaints!

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36 minutes ago, fozzybear said:

What size dome are you using and how are you fixing it?



the dome I have bought is a 95mm with 10mm flange.

just fitted an O ring after running a groove in the soil pipe top on the lathe so it doesn't slide around.

dome now secured with some stainless tappers and water tight.

My plan is to fit the top cap onto a length of soil pipe and clamp it to the side of the house giving it some height.

the Rpi will be clamped into the top section of the pipe with the ZWO and a small PSU to power it and the dew heater.

it will also have to option to add a peltier cooling system if needed.

all it should need sending up the pipe is power to all of it with the Rpi connecting wan via wireless.


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ran the system tonight with the dome attached and dew heater connected.

pretty disappointing night! you know when it all starts to go wrong and you think maybe i should just switch it off and got to bed!!

took me ages to get focus and it was still not anywhere near as good without the dome lots of aberrations and weird shadows etc

then the dew heater packed up, blew the fuse

then house next door decided it was time to forget to switch off the floodlight!

i couldn't get team viewer to run on the Rpi!

anyway fixed the fuse and found the issue that blew it

focused better but still not great may have to use a better dome!

left it running over night now as ISS is going over at 5am so will see if it gets picked up!




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while waiting for parts I decided to build the web site

again thanks to Thomas Jacquin for doing all the hard work.

still some tweaks to do with the star map overlay etc but so far looks ok


no actually live data yet just a single image that was a bit messy

Edited by CedricTheBrave
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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok so I am on MK2!

I didn't like the image from the first one. Mainly the visible area but also some weird aberrations and lots of stretching the stars.

So upgraded the dome to one from an Oculas much smaller and better quality. Also changed the lens to a proper 180degree one from modern astronomy. This now gives a proper view of the whole sky. 

Psu is a 12v and mounting the rpi, psu and USB psu inside a piece of pipe that has a slot so it will slide into the main soil pipe mounting.

The psu will power the rpi and the dew heater and also has enough to power a peltier if the operating temp of the camera produces too much noise.

Too wet outside to test today but hope to get some images soon.



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