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Caught an ISS Transit - Just!


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The sky was perfectly cloudy all day today, but it just threatened to show some breaks at around 15:45. I knew that there was an ISS transit of the Sun at 16:18 BST (thanks Dave for flagging it up!) and decided 'you snooze, you lose' so thought I would set up the kit anyway - you never know...

Well, blow me down, the clouds thinned enough to be able to see something (along with bits of my neighbour's hedge... Titmarsh moment on the horizon). This is the first time I have ever caught an ISS transit, so I'm chuffed, despite it being pants really - not clear, bits in the way, slightly out of focus and in the wrong orientation. Never mind! Here it is:



and a video:

Kit used: Lunt LS50THa with Chameleon3 camera.

I think it's a while before the next opportunity for me!


Edited by PhotoGav
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Thank you both.

1 hour ago, Laurin Dave said:

I look forward to great things from you on 11 November Mercury transit 

Mmm, I have high expectations of myself too! Chances are it will be cloudy like the last one. Just in case it's not, I need to sort a plan out...!

This is my pic from 2016:


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