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Last wednesday was the first time it has been properly clear in a couple of weeks, which has been very frustrating as I bought a new telescope (skywatcher evostar 102mm) to replace my 3 inch reflector. 

Had a great night, nothing very bright out but did spend some time looking at a few star clusters in the eastern sky. 2 of which were M34 and the perseus double cluster. I had previously observed both with my binoculars on my last night out.

What a sight these two were. Very impressed with my new telescope.

Anyway. I'm long sighted. I do wear glasses, ( + 1.5 in the left and + 2.5 in the right) but I tend to take them off for astronomy, it takes a little while but my eyes get used to not having them on.

I can see clearly what ever I'm looking at but I'm wondering if I should maybe get contacts for observing? I find wearing my glasses uncomfortable at the eyepiece and I'm wondering if I'm missing out on details without them on

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If your prescription is only a focal length correction, without astigmatism, then you don't need bother.

You will just have the focus tube in a different place to when you are using glasses.

Observing without glasses means one less piece of (sometimes poor) glass in the way.

You can use eyepieces with short eye relief. That is your eyeball has to be close to the eyepiece.
For a given quality, these can cost less than long eye relief eyepieces.

HTH, David.


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welcome to SGL mate,  ive terrible eyes, ive tunnel vision too but through the ep I need not glasses which is wonderful also when im in VR I don't need them there aswell, my doctor stopped me driving over 15 years ago due to my eyesight so that's how bad mine is but so far "touch wood" im good for astronomy mate. hope yours keep good. charl.

Edited by xtreemchaos
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6 hours ago, Rob Sellent said:

@joe aguiar, although they both go by Evostar, the OP might be referring to the achromatic rather than the ED :smiley:

Yes its the achromatic 102mm

I must say I was very impressed with it. 

Seemed like a huge step up from my little 3 inch reflector. Quality of the tube and mount was impressive in comparison. I do own a skywatcher 200p but its hibinating for the winter now and bought the 102 to be my new "quick the clouds have gone" telescope 

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