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I've just started entering the world of narrowband and it has been such a step change from the years of work with OSC cameras I'm wondering what is the next step forward to take. I'm interested in imaging DSOs rather than visual

Telescope - ED80, I'm very happy with it and have a spare sat around for bits if needed. This is the only scope I've used in anger so have no real reference point for how much better others are. From forum posts it seems this is till well accepted as a good scope, should I leave this well alone? How much better are the other options? My only restriction is that the new camera means I have a smaller fov than I'd like even with a 0.85 reducer, mosaics are just too painful with all the filters to consider as well

Mount - I've got an NEQ6 and I'm very happy with it, 10 minute+ subs is fine for me so I think I'll leave this as is

Imaging camera - Atik 314L, just finding my feet with it and love it but have quite a lot of star bloat which I believe may be a feature of the camera, any experience of this? How does it compare to other options



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If you're experiencing massive star bloat when using narrowband filter than DOUBLE check than check again your focus.. use a Bathinov mask, I use one for perfect focus every time.... If anything, narrowband should make your stars smaller than during OSC imaging... 

The ED80 should be a fine scope to get some great images, narrowband or natural color....  but be ready to expose your subs for much longer than when you imaged in natural color... especially SII.... There are times where I need to expose for 20, 30 and 40 minute subs.


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Thanks for responding!!

Yes the other ED80 could be used and I was thining about a dual set up as I have a colour 314L also but I would need another focusser and also a bigger hole in the observatory roof! I'll have a look at the ASI1600, thank you

Re focus, every single time it has bee with a Bahtinov mask and the focus is 'perfect' but I still see star bloat, I believe it is a feature of the camera. So far I've only been at 10 minutes and that has been OK but I'm sure I can push a lot further


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20 minutes ago, JSeaman said:

Thanks for responding!!

Yes the other ED80 could be used and I was thining about a dual set up as I have a colour 314L also but I would need another focusser and also a bigger hole in the observatory roof! I'll have a look at the ASI1600, thank you

Re focus, every single time it has bee with a Bahtinov mask and the focus is 'perfect' but I still see star bloat, I believe it is a feature of the camera. So far I've only been at 10 minutes and that has been OK but I'm sure I can push a lot further


You might be right with the sar bloating being camera dependent.. I personally am using a modded and cooled DSLR and do not have a star bloating issue.. you'd think that a dedicated astro imager would be better than a DSLR.


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