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Takahashi FC100DZ

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There are a good number of Takahashi FC 100 fans here on SGL. With the introduction of the new FC100DZ F8.2 by Takahashi, I'm wondering how others feel about this new scope? The DZ has a retractable dew shield, which is a positive move, but other than that, I'm at a bit of a loss as to any advantages over the DC/DF or the DL. It may of course be that Tak are phasing out the F7.4 and F9 models, or could it be Canon Optron calling the shots?


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Personally I think I would prefer the DC/DF over the DZ as they are a little lighter.

On the other hand the DZ sliding dew shield makes it a little easier to transport.

Don’t think there is much in it though either way ?

Edited by dweller25
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The English translation of the Takahashi website seems to indicate it is as good or better optically than the other scopes in the series, including the f9 DL.  Whether many observers, particularly inexperienced ones, would notice any difference in the real world of observing in UK seeing conditions is another question.  I've used the other versions and can't see anyone not being absolutely delighted by their performance.


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There's a bit more information on these on our website now:


The key differences are:

  • Retractable dew shield - designed to fit in carry on luggage on planes
  • Better colour correction in the deep blue
  • Higher typical strehl ratio 

Tak America say:


Takahashi has paired the fluorite element with a low dispersion glass having a high refractive index.  This combination provides excellent optical performance across the entire visible spectrum with a Strehl ratio in excess of 97.6% across this range.  In addition, to satisfy the increasing demands of today’s imaging system, this glass combination minimizes the blue halo sometimes present at shorter wavelengths.  This halo intensity is reduced by about 50% when compared to the existing FC-100D.

Paired with the FC-35 reducer this will make a lovely, portable imaging setup, illuminating a full frame chip @ f/5.3.

We have stock arriving later this month / early next.

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52 minutes ago, FLO said:

There's a bit more information on these on our website now:


The key differences are:

  • Retractable dew shield - designed to fit in carry on luggage on planes
  • Better colour correction in the deep blue
  • Higher typical strehl ratio 


I don’t understand the ‘designed to fit in carry on luggage’ comment. The link indicates that with the dew shield retracted and accessories removed the length of the DZ is 595mm, which is significantly longer than the maximum 560mm allowed as hand luggage on virtually all aircraft now. Plus you would want the scope to be kept in a suitably padded bag so I find for travel scopes I need a length of 500mm or so maximum.

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With the exception of the sliding dew shield (which is a nice feature) my interpretation is that the DZ has noticably improved optical characteristics over the original FC range, when used with a focal reducer and, on paper, very slight improvements when used at F/8.

At it's native focal length I wonder if there will be any noticable difference in terms of visual performance over the DL ? though. Spotting visual observing differences between the DF/DC and the DL is apparently well nigh impossible in the real world (technically Tak claimed that there were some modest ones) so I'd expect the differences between the DL and the DZ to be very, very hard to spot.

I expect that the production run of the DL will stop at the two batches of 100 each that have been produced to date but it will be interesting to see if Takahashi maintain the F/7.4 FC 100 variants as well as the F/8 DZ :icon_scratch:

The FC 100s are all brilliant scopes so it's hardly a chore to own one of the original ones :smiley:

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I'd certainly like to observe through a DZ over a few nights, as I'm intrigued as to how any 4" refractor could possibly give a better visual image than that produced by the DL. Perhaps imaging is where the DZ will shine over the other versions. In any case, my little DC is staying right where it is! 


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I'm sure it will be a lovely scope, but suspect any differences would be pretty hard to spot under all but the best conditions. Whilst I would love to try a DL, and suspect it is a little better optically than the DC, the portability and carry on capability of the latter makes it then one for me. Spoilt for choice though is the best way of looking at it!

I just wish Tak would put some effort into this 125 fluorite doublet which keeps getting rumoured. Or even a 130, that would be very nice!

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I went for the DC specifically to have the lightest version of their 4" as I wanted to downsize not only my scope herd, but my mounting requirements, as well (sold my TSA102 when I got the DC). I'm as susceptible to marketing as anybody else, but in this case I think it would have to be a side-by-side comparison to get me to bite.

I do no imaging.  

And, I'm with  Stu on the 5-inch doublet request!

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