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Astrodon 1.25" Review


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As you say they are a critical part of the imaging equipment, after all it is they that determine what frequencies of light land on the sensor - rather critical!!!   They are superbly good and I am glad I bought them but are stupendously pricey.  However, with our limited opportunities I went for it when Ian had a closing sale on.  He knocked off about 15-20% off the price - a useful discount on £1750 that they would have been.


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Yes, they really are something else!

I have a full set of the 3 nm filters in 1.25" from before the price skyrocketed, and wouldn't be without them. The 3 nm H-alpha can make the difference between imaging and being mooned out. The [OIII] is less moon proof, but can still work under moderate moonlight.

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 OK I guess what we all want (well, I do 😁 )  is a side-by-side, like-for-like comparison with the Baaders you also mention on your website.

To make it more "interesting" to have the images anonymised so people won't be drawn by the name of the filter used.  The images don't have to be of anything interesting, just the same target, same equipment, same exposure, same observing conditions.

Any chance?

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