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Help With Astrotortilla


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Good afternoon !

I'm still climbing a learning curve - and while I've gotten some of the 3-star alignment issues resolved that I was having, I really want to get plate solving working. I am using CDC and Backyard EOS, so Astrotortilla seemed like the best option. I am controlling the mount (EQ-6 Pro) via a PC laptop using ASCOM (EqMod).

Some background - 

I installed Astrotorilla 0.7 per the instructions on lightvortexastronomy - https://www.lightvortexastronomy.com/tutorial-setting-up-and-using-astrotortilla-for-plate-solving.html , including all the index files that fit the calculated FOV and the 20% FOV. 

I have made sure that all three pieces of software are using the same EPOCH settings - JNOW.

My start up process, after polar alignment, is to power down the mount, start CDC, power the mount up, connect to the mount. Start up BYEOS, connect the camera. Start up Astrotortilla (AT). I pick a target in CDC and slew to it. Go to the AT screen, connect to the mount, click on setup for the camera and set the iso, then the exposure time. I check the two boxes in the Action blco - to sync and reslew to target. Then click on Capture and Solve. Looking at the log it goes thru a whole series of FITs looking for the match and can never solve. Its tracking as you can see from the image below.

I looked at the images that BYEOS was taking - you can clearly see the star field. I tried various exposure times from 5s up  to 30s. Two different iso's - 800, 1600. I am using a Canon 5D MkIII.

I have tweaked the settings per the tutorial, including trying the different options the author suggested, including going back and installing the  Tycho 2 indexes for FOV over 3 degrees. Nothing seems to work to arrive at  a solution. Here is a screen shot from last night - IMG_2342.thumb.JPG.2c85664c55c61e7b96f9e66bb981c612.JPG

I've tried several different targets. This one I think was on Vega. 

Any help or suggestions would be most appreciated.

Thanks so much !


Edited by Stickfarm8
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1. You dont need 30 sec exposures for Platesolving - try and keep the number of stars found down to around 500 - change ISO and expo length plus "down scaling" to achieve the magic 500. This speeds up solving.

2. Make sure Eqmod,BackYard and Astrotortilla are using JNOW or J2000 Epoch - can see Astrotortilla is set for JNOW. And you have checked them once!

3. Are you sure your FOV and Focal Length are correct and that you have downloaded the correct files +5% either side of the "correct" FOV indexes.

4. What is your timeout on Astrotortilla ?

5. Have you tried Web service Astronemtry.net to solve the same image - what info does it provide.

6. Post your image on here.

Not used Astrotortilla for a few years now but attached is my settings that did work with my Canon 100D. Only the "downscaling" needs changing as stated above.




Edited by stash_old
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Stash - 

Thanks for the reply.

When I get home, I will run the image from the above screenshop thru astronomy.net. The number of stars was varying from the low hundreds when I had the exposure down to 5 seconds to the thousands at the 30 sec. As far as the equipment info, here is the result which I used as the FOV (don't remember what site this was from - so forgive me there).  The only uncertainity I had is the Sky-Watcher field flatner. I've searched the manual, their website, forums to see if there was any information on it that indicated it was less than 1.0.

Next opportunity I will change the downscaling to match your value.

The image below is not mine - its what came up when I input the equipment info and what target I was interested in at this site - https://www.skyatnightmagazine.com/astronomy-field-view-calculator/ .

But I will try astronomy.net when I get home.




Thanks for your help - I'll try it again - and post the last image I taken during on the plate solving. I'll have to convert it to a jpg - its RAW .


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Its a few years since I used AstroTortilla but I remember this site got me up and running - once sorted its like witchcraft !!!!!

From memory the command line syntax is all or nothing - an extra space or a missing comma will stop it from working.

Good luck - once its sorted backup your settings!

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‘Thanks. The site you linked is the instructions I used. It was very detailed and well written.

Stash - I confirmed with Sky-watcher that the flattener does not alter focal length. Their value for the FOV width was a little different - 2.45 degrees. But everything else was confirmed.


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I uploaded the image to astrometry.net. It solved - and was right where I had it pointed. A screen shot is below. I also included the image below. Something I learned tonight - BYEOS saves all those images as jpgs in the preview folder.  In the config file, the timeout for the camera is 10. 

It was too cloudy to set up tonight so I could try  resetting the downscaling to 1.  If anything comes to mind after you look at the image and results from astrometry.net - please let me know. Everyone's help is most appreciated.



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ok some slight mods to settings and I got Astrotortilla v.7 to solve your JPG image.    Platesolve2,via APT, also solves the image in under 4 secs. Both were using the EQMOD simulator and loading Astrotortilla manually (so not called via BYEOS) - you can do test runs with an image during the day this way. See attached screen prints hope that helps!





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Thank you so much doing all this. Steve (Steppenwolf) had recommended SGL as a very good place to seek help and exchange information - and he was spot on.  I do really appreciate the time you took to do this. 

I've not tried the simulator mode option - I always have gotten the mount set up with the laptop - no scope on it. But I will try that tonight. If I can get this image to solve, there were others that I had taken at less exposures and perhaps I can get a feel for the right exposure setting before the next time I can get out (darn Kentucky weather has really sucked this month!). That's what I am loving about this hobby - so much to learn not only the various software tools, the hardware, the imaging, but about the universe. Just seeing the images that I have managed to get so far (M33 and M31), seeing the planets thru the eye piece gives one a different feeling than looking at pictures or videos.  The Coursera program I took this past winter, Exploring Time and Space, taught by a wonderful instructor, Dr. Chris Impey, really got me fired up about the universe. Best $50 I have spent. Dr. Impey is originally from the UK, but has been at the University of Arizona since 1986 (we've managed to scrub his accent - lol). I had no idea they were making mirrors there, 9+ meter's in diameter in a facility under the football stadium. He is quite an accomplished educator who has a passion for teaching that is refreshing. 

I'll let you know how I make out tonight.

Thanks again !


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Not sure if you did find any solution, my ASTROTORTILLA did solve yoir image in 42Seconds.

See settings below..

wow did not use ASTROTORTILLA since few years..  and it still works..


Good luck






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I will try when I get home tonight - I've got your settings and Stash's settings to use when I try. Someone else also pointed out that I'm needlessly restraining my choices to AT because it integrates with Backyard EOS (the software I'm using for camera control). If I'm still unsuccessful with AT, All Sky or Plate Solver2 may get a turn at bat <s>.

Thanks for your help,


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I don’t think you need the -L and -H parameters in your custom options string...your scale minimum parameter is setting the minimum image scale to 1.32 degrees and then the -L parameter says it’s 0.5 degrees- and likewise for the scale maximum / -H pair...I don’t know how the solver handles this...but I’d remove them from the custom options string. 

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Stash/Martin/Catbuglar - 

Haha - solved with both your settings. As Catburgler pointed out - there was a discrepance between the min/max settings and the custom options line..... another Stupid Stick award for me! 

Both sets of settings worked - although mine took 49.9 sec to solve I suspect because of all the extra data sets from Tyco I had loaded.  Thanks all of you for the help - its very much appreciated.

Now if the darn Kentucky weather will cooperate tomorrow night ..............



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Stash - I see what you mean  on the exposure time/star count. I had some images in that preview folder taken at 10 seconds/1600 iso. The star count when solving was ~550 objects. Solved in 26 seconds. Then ran the image of the shot I took right after polar alignment , and one that included Jupiter to see what that would do. Both  solved in less than 30 sec.  My scope has Jupiter about 1/4 of an inch, and was curious what that would do.  It solved just fine.

Three images solved - I'm ready, and anxious, for clear weather so I can finally try the whole package together. This will make finding and centering Triangulum (M33) a WHOLE lot easier so I can finish getting those subs. 

Thanks again all of you for the help. It is most appreciated.


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11 hours ago, Stickfarm8 said:

Stash - I see what you mean  on the exposure time/star count. I had some images in that preview folder taken at 10 seconds/1600 iso. The star count when solving was ~550 objects. Solved in 26 seconds. Then ran the image of the shot I took right after polar alignment , and one that included Jupiter to see what that would do. Both  solved in less than 30 sec.  My scope has Jupiter about 1/4 of an inch, and was curious what that would do.  It solved just fine.

Three images solved - I'm ready, and anxious, for clear weather so I can finally try the whole package together. This will make finding and centering Triangulum (M33) a WHOLE lot easier so I can finish getting those subs. 

Thanks again all of you for the help. It is most appreciated.


No problem glad to help !

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I did get out to image Friday night. Astrotortilla worked perfectly! 

What a difference not having to struggle with that first alignment. After the polar alignment, I activated all the software, slewed to Polaris just to see. Told AT to solve - 12 seconds later bingo. I could then hear the mount shift a bit, and the click of the camera shutter again. Polaris moved from left of center, to dead on. Went to Vega - same drill. Then Vega, Jupiter and Denab. When I then went to my first imaging target, there was Andromeda right in the middle of the camera screen. I was able to get the camera on the scope from the beginning and get it focused right after I did the polar alignment. Later when I went to Triangulum, CDC nailed it without any additional slewing by AT after the first solve.  

It made the whole session so much more fun without the aggravation of the manual 3-star alignment.

I told Steppenwolf  - I put the importance of plate solving up equal to good autoguiding. It just makes the evening so much more enjoyable. Next target - Eagle Nebula !! Hopefully we are finally going to get Fall weather and clear skies this coming weekend instead of this blasted 90+ F weather we've had since last week.


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