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First Nebula(guess which one)Yeah. M42


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After waiting for weeks for a clear calm night i finally got my first nebula,even though M42 is bit close to the rooftops and street lights i gave it a go,LP was terrible.

As for the processing,well i couldn't make up my mind if i wanted bright or subtle and probably ended up somewhere in between.At least i'm up and running(man) :D and this has seriously boosted my enthusiasm,so much so that

i stayed out till 4.30 this morning,got the Leo Triplet but my HH was a disaster,got the flame nebula ok though.

30 mins worth of subs from 45sec to 90sec,any longer and everything was


Canon 350d ,Orion Europa 150 and HEQ5.


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Good work...great feeling isn't it when your first M42 comes in!

It's a very smooth image. You did the right thing going for lots of subs.

How did you combine the different exposures?



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Thanks guys....Rob,i used Deep Sky Stacker.

A question regarding the dreaded light pollution...........are there any filters

for digital cameras or indeed visual ones that can be used for imaging?

I find it really annoying that i've spent ages aligning my pier mount adapter

to enable me to get 5mins unguided and not able to get more than 90sec because of the glow from the street lights.

Objects overhead are ok but anything lowish looks like a tango advert. :laughing9:

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A very good choice of first target; it looks amazing in single exposure shots just after 10-30 seconds. It sounds like you should invest in a Light Pollution filter. In the long run you need to be able to do 3-8 minute exposures to catch the fainter nebulas.

I have a 200m Newt, a Multu purpose Coma Corrector (MPCC) is also going to be a good investment later. It will remove the "bean shaped" stars in the corners of the image.

Great first result!

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