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Comet C/2017 T2 Panstarrs question

Marvin Jenkins

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For the last couple of years I have been using SN7 as my planetarium software, primarily as it was bundled free with the scope set up my wife bought me. Up until recently I have had nothing but praise, it works great.

Recently I started using Stellarium. It seems more exact, scientific and lots of other people sing it’s praises. I have however, run into a problem.

If the weather holds to the end of the week, with the waining moon I was going to try for a visual on the comet C/2017 T2 Panstarrs  somewhere in Taurus and printed the path from comet watch.

I compared the pdf against my star chart which I use in the garden and decided that a modern approach may be used in addition. Due to the moon position it may be hard to find so I looked it up on Stellarium....... nothing! Looked it up on SN7 and bang there it is.

Is there something on Stellarium I am missing that can flag up current comets. The position on SN7 was perfect but I did note that star positions on Stellarium are far more accurate, SN7 some stars were missing altogether.

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JamesF, you the man. I am always fearful of going into settings and background areas as I am old before my years. A sad legacy of being the generation between pre computer and everyone has a computer age, I try my hardest, but somehow I like a printed page.

I am 47, my school had four BBC Micro’s but no pupil was allowed to use them as they were very expensive. So don’t blame me.


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  • 2 months later...
On 17/09/2019 at 20:52, Marvin Jenkins said:

JamesF, you the man. I am always fearful of going into settings and background areas as I am old before my years. A sad legacy of being the generation between pre computer and everyone has a computer age, I try my hardest, but somehow I like a printed page.

I am 47, my school had four BBC Micro’s but no pupil was allowed to use them as they were very expensive. So don’t blame me.


Did you ever get this added? I've been trying tonight but it's not showing up on the search, just says 'unknown error'.

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28 minutes ago, Peje said:

I need to go through the search  options, I don't have all of those in my list.

They should be there if you download the MPC list of observable comets.


Did you click the comet button not the asteroid one ?

Edited by Davey-T
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7 hours ago, Peje said:

Did you ever get this added? I've been trying tonight but it's not showing up on the search, just says 'unknown error'.

Yes I did get it added after the kind help of Jamesf. It was some time ago and worked first time. Perhaps one of those dreaded Microsoft updates has added a gremlin into the works.

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