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Modified DSLR Filter


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i have just had my Canon 7DMK11 Astro modified, prior to this I was using a Astronomik UHC clip in filter with it. My question is

do I carry on using the filter now it’s had the mod or not?

The mod was removal of the IR/UV filter and repositioning of the sensor. 

Thanks in advance. 


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I would say yes, keep using it. Your camera mod has extended the IR/UV range but you are probably mainly interested in the improved hydrogen-alpha response. So the filter will continue to cut the UV.



I am assuming this is the filter you have:


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Hi john,

thanks very much for getting back to me, yes I believe that’s the filter I have. 

I’ll keep it in the camera,  I just wasn’t too sure as the couple of images I have managed

to get are very red  single exposure .



Thanks again for advice 



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The issue with most unmodded DSLR’s is that the IR cut comes in a bit too early therefore blocks most of the H-alpha signal.

I think Uranium235 has hit the nail on the head...My understanding is that the CLS-ccd filters add back a bit of IR cut that you’ve lost by modding the camera without blocking the H-alpha.

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