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My new 200mm astrocanon


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Santa has arrived sooner.Now im waiting for a HEQ5 for the 200mm newt and the mak 90 must go...too many scopes for one room and i already have a mak,a 127.

Happy chrismas and clear skyes for you all my friends.


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You'll have lots of fun with that, when I got mine, just unpacking it - then mounting it on a EQ5, I thought WWWOOOOWWWW !!

PS: A little tip: On a Flat surface use the Polystyrene Supports which were used to support the OTA in the Packaged box, to level your scope when indoor collimating.

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Thaks for your comment.By the way,do you know if the heq5 could be upgraded with go-to or if he has 800x tracking?I see you have the mak 127 too.For me is a definitibly a keeper,a very very good scope.

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Nice! I've just ordered one of these today on a HEQ5 PRO. I'm not feeling very well today, so whats better than spending lots of money to cheer oneself up! :laughing3:

The HEQ5 can be upgraded to GOTO with the Synscan upgrade kit:


If it's a Syntrek model, then it already has the upgraded stepper motors/mobo installed (slews to 800x) and all you need is just the GOTO handset:




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I haven`t think in that but you are right.Im going to store the scope vertically right way.Tanks for the tip.

You'll have lots of fun with that... :D

Another tip..You'd be better off storing the scope Vertically (Mirror down). Helps to prevent the mirror sagging and also takes up less room.


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My new HEQ5 has arrived...wath a beast!!!!I now know the reason the mak 127 EQ3-2 is a grab-and-go...The newt on top of the HEQ5 is enormous...and is very beauty too the mount,- a very niçe black with the red strip.

Now imagine the 12" on top the HEQ6...dreams,only dreams...

By the way,i grab one laser colimator from baader-a must have.

clear skyes for you all.

carlos pereira

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Next year i would certanly buy a moonlite because the sope deserves,-its really a lovely scope.Anybody knows if this mount,HEQ5,can give 800x, and if yes what i have to upgrade?

I answered this query further up this thread. Scroll up. :D

I should note, the upgrade kit includes the GOTO handset, you may of been better off buying the Syntrek version of the mount in the first place.. as it'd been cheaper for you.. and buy the GOTO later if you decided you wanted that in the future.


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