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First Effort with C11 SCT Herc Globular

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What you are trying Olly has told me not to go there, so that gives you some idea how tall the order is of taming a C11, though for me is was Meade 12 inch SC, even worse. I have sort of listened to his advice as I have just held off buying a CEM 120, however I don't feel it will stop me having a play.

I would try 1600 iso I did and I got a usable result from 20 seconds on the Meade Fork, I would try to cut to 30secs too and take more exposures, experiment, its fun anyway but to really tame these sort of focal length you need an expensive mount that is very accurate, but I feel you know that anyway.


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6 minutes ago, DAVE AMENDALL said:
7 minutes ago, DAVE AMENDALL said:



Thanks. Yeah. Scary: four people lost their lives. We now have rainforest humidity and either high haze or low cloud. Only 3 ap worthy nights in September but hey, we live to tell the tale. Cue mosquitos...

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On 20/09/2019 at 16:25, DAVE AMENDALL said:

Hi Olly 50 seconds each exposure at F10  ISO 800. Maybe I should increase the ISO and reduce the exposure time..Dave

I think your exposures are too short to pull out the fainter details and need to be longer, though this will ask more of the tracking/guiding, of course.


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Thanks Olly, I will give the longer exposures a try although this does tend to lighten the sky back ground as with the Veil shots. My conditions are semi urban with  a small percentage of light pollution. We have the new  led street lights here in Bingham with the lights of Nottingham about 8 miles to the west..............Dave

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