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Takahashi FS-60Q issues - no panic :)

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So, Takahashi prism works fine with original visual back - as long as you don't use a barlow. For example Baader Zoom works but not with a dedicated 2.25x Barlow. Baader BBHS T2 mirror diagonal works only if I attach Aux ring directly to focuser but then a mm or two of thread on the focuser drawtube is left exposed and you are kind of left with limited selection of eyepieces I would think - not much room left for focusing. The issue is not enough inward focuser travel. Ideal solution here would be to get M56 female to T2 male adapter and use Baader's 1.25" T2 ClickLock. Would getting FT focuser sort this issue? Does it have more focuser travel ( inward )?

One of the solutions for this is to keep original visual back, use Tak prism and forget about Baader Zoom +  Barlow combination and get a set of Tak LE eyepieces. That would be expensive and I would rather spend the money for some other astro bits in queue.

Second thing is the finder. Any third-party adapters to attach SW style finder bases? I love my Rigel finder with ScopeStuff adapter that you can attach to all those finder bases ( no need for double sided tape ). I have Baader universal base and some no name and both are useless for Tak.

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11 minutes ago, heliumstar said:

A little update. Found a base that is supposed to fit on aliexpress : https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1971192594.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.27424c4df093i3

Just ordered it and will update if all good once it arrives. The hunt for resolving the focusing issue is still on.

Good find - I have not seen that before 👍

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