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First image in about 20 Years - M31 using OpenUni telescope


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My first image in about 20 years!   Taken with the Open University 14" SCT (COAST) on Tenerife last night.  A single 120sec frame, BVR filter.  A little bit fiddling of light levels by me (total novice here).

I'm running thru the short FREE 8 week course "Astronomy with an online telescope"


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7 minutes ago, RobB said:

Hopefully I'll be able to take one with my own telescope this weekend although South Devon isn't particularly known for clear skies.

Maybe so about the clear skies, but from the looks of photos of the countryside, it appears to be a very beautiful place to live.

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20 minutes ago, Louis D said:

Maybe so about the clear skies, but from the looks of photos of the countryside, it appears to be a very beautiful place to live.

It is, which is why I moved "back home" a few year ago :)

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I'm also on the same course, and just got my first image, M33. Put in requests for NGC 7331 (Deer Lick) and NGC 6888 (Crescent), Will see how they compare with my own efforts.


Edit: I see you've got the same lines through your image as I have. They really need to check their calibration.

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Currently away from home and haven't applied any flats to the image.  The processed image above was not from the FITS files but from the jpg.   I need to install a FITS application but as I'm connecting my laptop via my mobile I'll wait until late tonight when I get home.   Maybe the lines will go away.   Not too worried myself but it would be good if they could investigate the issue.

I'm using the course as a v.small taster of doing a longer AstroPhysics course.  i.e. can I find the time to study.  Maybe the PGDip Astronomy from York.

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12 hours ago, Helen said:

Have you fed that back to OU?  If not, I can do it.


No, not sure if I can. TBH I only got the image yesterday and have been doing some very preliminary processing in AstroArt 5 and GIMP 2.10 to denoise it.

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