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Constant Blurry Image

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Sometimes my secondary mirror fogged up, only a couple of times. I've since fitted a primary mirror fan and not had issues since. I boughtan ordinary computer fan with variable speed and usb. I then simply attached this to my old front cover but then used this to cover the primary mirror as seen in pic. Cost £15.


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2 hours ago, PlanetGazer said:



I also had the same issue with my 10 inch, I left it to come into equalbrium with surrounding temperature and manged to get a good view. Though in the last two weeks, I'm not getting the best views, as Jupiter is getting away from us.

I also noted that some nights have a turbulent atmosphere where viewing planets deteriorates extremely, specially when the planet is not up at a high angle.


May I ask what have you used to capture this image?


Edit: just realized it's not your image, my bad

The original poster is in Australia so Jupiter will be high in the sky there. Unlike here in the UK :rolleyes2:

I understand that the image was simply used to illustrate the issue - it's not one that the OP actually captured.

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I have had a reflector type scope get dew on the 2nd mirror most people don't think reflectors have this issue compared to sct or maks but they can depends on how high dew is and some scopes 2nd mirror are close to the front opening of the tube.

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