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Pegasus, NGC 7469 and NGC 7436 group

Mike JW

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First up NGC 7469 - a Seyfert Galaxy,

NGC 7479 (Propeller Galaxy, also known as Caldwell 44) is a barred spiral galaxy about 105 million away in Pegasus. It is undergoing starburst activity in the nucleus, the outer arms, and also across the bar of the galaxy, where most of the stars were formed in the last 100 million years. The arms of the spiral galaxy create an inverted ‘S’, as they spin in an anticlockwise direction. However, at radio wavelengths, they spin the other way, with a jet of radiation that bends in the opposite direction to the stars and dust in the arms of the galaxy. Astronomers think that the radio jet in NGC 7479 was put into its strange backwards spin following a merger with another galaxy, possibly as long as 300 million years ago. The bar is unusually long.

NGC 7479 is also unusual in that it is very isolated and is about 150 thousand light years across




NGC 7436 Group

NGC 7346 A and B  could be be interacting as they are about 1 million lyrs apart.   Very little star formation is happening in 7436 and 7435 suggesting they are not interacting.   All the NGC galaxies and the others marked except for the MCG galaxy are between 30 and 33 million lyrs away.





Edited by Mike JW
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