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Anyone tried a monocle?

Hertford Stargazer

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I find the goto handset displays a little difficult to read in the dark without using my 1x magnifying reading glasses. Taking inspiration from Sir Patrick Moore I have considered buying a monocle to use in my left eye while keeping my right eye free to use at the eye piece. My wife had a look of horror on her face when I run the idea past her but I reckon it might work, it's got to be easier then keep putting glasses on in the dark.

Anyone tried this?

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28 minutes ago, Hertford Stargazer said:

Anyone tried this?

No I haven't. But basic reading glasses can be bought very cheaply. What if you removed the "observing eye" lens from a pair and wore them at the eyepiece. Would this work?    It would avoid having to scrunch up your non-observing eye to grip the monocle.

Whichever approach you try, SGL rules require that you post a photo!   😀

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On 07/09/2019 at 17:40, Knighty2112 said:

Hmnnn.........I wonder if normally opticians would be able to do a monocle, or weather you would need a more specialist optician? 🤔

I've found 5x monocles on amazon but I only need 1x, sure they must be available somewhere. I'll give Ebay a try.

On 07/09/2019 at 17:43, lenscap said:

No I haven't. But basic reading glasses can be bought very cheaply. What if you removed the "observing eye" lens from a pair and wore them at the eyepiece. Would this work?    It would avoid having to scrunch up your non-observing eye to grip the monocle.

Whichever approach you try, SGL rules require that you post a photo!   😀

That might just work, not sure about the photo though. If I had a lawyer I'd get them to check my SGL contractual obligations 😁

On 07/09/2019 at 18:28, Swithin StCleeve said:

I'm in the same boat. I use cheap 1X glasses to read maps and handsets, after years of not needing any. It's become a pain having to take them off and on every time I come away from the eyepiece, and only last night I thought 'there must ne an easier way'.

Glad I'm not the only one, I spent 45 years without the need for reading glasses and find it really awkward now when out with a goto. 

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Surely you're going to want to use the same dominant eye both for the EP and the handset? Or can you see well enough, with corrective lenses, to use either eye to read? I wouldn't be able to do so.

I now use these magnetic clasp reading glasses https://spicyjam.ie/shop/beauty/magnetic-reading-glasses/ which have the advantage of being quick to put on and off and (almost!) impossible to lose. They split over the brige of the nose and just hang round your neck when not wanted.


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If it's good enough for Patrick Moore..........................

But seriously, I must admit to having to use contact lenses when using mark 1 eye ball for looking through eyepieces or polarscopes, definitely the latter as glasses are just at the wrong angle for PA.  

Perhaps you don't fancy contact lenses.  There used to be make up glasses where you could fold up one of the lenses in order to do your make up on one of the eyes, i wonder whether they still exist.  I will do a search and see if I can find any and if i do i will come back to this post.


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I keep thinking about getting one as I have always only ever been able to see properly out of one eye, now I need glasses to read but nothing else. Also as I generally do most of my observing in the dark, on my own, who's going to see me with it on?

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I don't have a monocle but I do have a pair of those clip on sunglasses that I clip on to my glasses when driving in bright sunlight.

I get a lot of mickey taking from my family about how old they make me look but I don't care!

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13 hours ago, ollypenrice said:

Surely you're going to want to use the same dominant eye both for the EP and the handset? Or can you see well enough, with corrective lenses, to use either eye to read? I wouldn't be able to do so.

I now use these magnetic clasp reading glasses https://spicyjam.ie/shop/beauty/magnetic-reading-glasses/ which have the advantage of being quick to put on and off and (almost!) impossible to lose. They split over the brige of the nose and just hang round your neck when not wanted.


I was expecting to see you post how a monocle is SO much better than an oscle, beacsue it collect three times as many photons...

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12 hours ago, KevS said:

They would obviously need  "turn ups" in order to maintain a certain sartorial elegance. I like the idea of the bowler hat as I consider that a spring loaded hinge or bracket could be cobbled together to hold a jewellers loupe for fine focusing.🧐 

I'd forgotten that jeweller's loupes existed but years ago I took my watch to an eccentric local accurist, an elderly Pole, who always had one on his head. While he was inspecting my watch one of his Polish chums came in and they began to argue more and more vehemently in polish till, to drive a point home, he began beating his desk with my cherished timepiece. When the argument subsided he looked in surprise at what he was holding in his hand, peered at it through his loupe, shrugged and removed the back....  I have always been suspicious of the effects of loupes on the sanity since this time.


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The problem with any kind of specs is remembering that you are wearing them, or alternatively, where you have left them. I  wear glasses all the time, but have different pairs for different jobs. Many is the time that I have peered into the eyepiece of my Dob and cursed how badly out of collimation it is, only to remember that I am wearing varifocals rather than fixed focal length.

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1 hour ago, ollypenrice said:

When the argument subsided he looked in surprise at what he was holding in his hand, peered at it through his loupe, shrugged and removed the back....  I have always been suspicious of the effects of loupes on the sanity since this time.

I have three, and assorted hand lenses. Does this mean I am totally loupey?


I rarely use any of them, I am so short-sighted, but there is a joy to using a good hand lens.

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3 hours ago, old_eyes said:

The problem with any kind of specs is remembering that you are wearing them, or alternatively, where you have left them. I  wear glasses all the time, but have different pairs for different jobs. Many is the time that I have peered into the eyepiece of my Dob and cursed how badly out of collimation it is, only to remember that I am wearing varifocals rather than fixed focal length.

I have the same issue with processing.  Stars in images can look horribly distorted until you realise you're not looking at them at the correct angle.


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37 minutes ago, JamesF said:

I have the same issue with processing.  Stars in images can look horribly distorted until you realise you're not looking at them at the correct angle.


Very true. I have astigmatism which can make your peripheral vision flaky. I sometimes only use the central part of my large monitor for overall checks to avoid this. I have been wearing glasses since the age of 10, but my partner is still getting used to them, and finds enormous trouble with varifocals and losing track of various pairs. Including the classic, "have you seen my glasses?", "they're on the top of your head!"

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I used to use an illuminating magnifier,the sought the military use for map reading at night. Since I had cataract surgery some years ago I don't need any form of optical aid now. You can buy monocles on Ebay good quality at reasonable cost too. The thing is you don't want to look like a ventriloquist dummy even at night.........Dave

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