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C/2018 W2 Africano

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Dave I was not aware of this Comet so thanks for the photo - it is faint. I note from https://cometchasing.skyhound.com/ that it will reach mag 8.8 by the end of the month. Once the Moon is out of the way I will give it a go in the 12" Dob. I have just updated Stellarium so it now includes this Comet.

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I just about managed to spot Comet C/2018 W2 tonight with my 12 inch dob and the 8mm Ethos eyepiece. Moonlight was hampering things and washing it out. NGC 404 looked somewhat brighter to me.

Cartes du Ciel has the position pretty much spot on currently:



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8 hours ago, Mark at Beaufort said:

John saw it Thursday night using the 12" Dob - best view was the 9mm Myriad EP.

I found it with the 13 Ethos Mark but found the view better with the 8mm and 6mm Ethos. You may well get a chance to try the latter soon I see :smiley:

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I've viewed this this comet 5 times in the last couple of weeks using my Z10.   I've found it to be pretty challenging overall but it seems to have gotten brighter without the Moon.    John's observation of it looking somewhat fainter that Mirach's ghost was spot on.   I was looking at both last week when they were so close together and compared them and I was thinking the same thing.    It's tougher than the estimated 8-9 mag indicates unless you have dark skies.  The comet is pretty diffuse and in my dark red skies I'm only seeing the central condensation.   I think that's why my  best views I've had with it have been with my 8mm and 6mm Delos.    SkyTools 3 estimates it as mag 8.9 and a size of 6.9'.   That's pretty big but I have trouble seeing it with low magnifications.    I've tried my Lumicon comet filter and it had a mild response.  It didn't make it much easier to see, but it didn't kill it either. 

The comet is moving very rapidly now.  When looking at it with a 6mm EP, you can see it move with repect to the field stars in about 10 minutes

Now is the time to look for it because it's at its brightest plus it will be moving south very rapidly.  It will be in Pisces Austinus by mid October.   

Here is some charts and info on it.    





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31 minutes ago, Mark at Beaufort said:

Thanks Neil - I have been clouded out for days. I purchased a 6mm Ethos so I want to test it out.

Exciting times, Mark. I was out testing a Vixen HR 3.4mm last night. Not on the comet I should add. I’m sure the Ethos will give great results :) 

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Solid clouds for the past few days here too. Looking forward to viewing Africano again if we get a clear patch. Good that its brightening. When I first observed it I thought that it was below the billed magnitude and was going to be a damp squib but hopefully it will be a decent one.

Glad you have had some good sightings Neil and Mark, hope you get to 1st light the 6mm Ethos soon :icon_biggrin:


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