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M27 with the outer shell

peter shah

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Its been a while since I've posted... so I thought it was about time. M27 The Dumbbell Nebula showing its outer shell. Imaged with the William Optics 132 and an FLI ML-8300 in Ha, O3 and RGB and cropped in nice and close. Exposure times were 6hours of Ha, 6hours of O3 and 1 hour each In RGB total of 15hours.

Thanks for looking  :thumbsup:

M27 RGB Ha O3-Edit-2-Edit-3.jpg

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53 minutes ago, dave_galera said:

Yes an amazing image with the outer shell that you don't often see in such detail


4 minutes ago, laudropb said:

Definitely the best image I have seen of this old favourite.

Thank you... it was a pig to get a smooth transition from the super bright core to faint outer shell ...Processed it in Photoshop cs3 

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