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Getting Started with Software


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Hi All,

I'm considering what software to use in an astrophotography workflow. So many options from free to very expensive.

I made this little diagram to try and decide. I don't need no cost, but low cost is nice! Seems like everyone on Astrobin uses PixInsight. 

Of course there are much more comprehensive lists out there such as: Here

I suppose this question is asked fairly often. Do you think the diagram is about right in terms of functionality?

I expect I'll start with Stellarium, APT, Deep Sky Stacker and Startools as a low cost option. I guess this will work well, although I know Deep Sky Stacker and its a little long in the tooth now, so perhaps an upgrade to APP or PixInsight will happen soon enough.

Any other cheaper stacking tools you would recommend?

Many Thanks,



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Deep sky stacker has only just had a big upgrade so I'm not seeing it long in the tooth, startools has as well and I don't consider it's cost a reflection on the competency of the product you get rather aren't we lucky the price isn't prohibitive.

Paintshop Pro and Infinity are another two low cost photo editors.

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Pixinsight, in my humble opinion, (and that of world class astrophotographers :p ) offers the most comprehensive set of tools for image control, and can probably be considered as professional software. It is constantly upgraded. I've never regretted paying for it, although it was a fair bit cheaper a few years ago. 

I also enjoy the super clean and easy to use Nebulosity for image capturing, a doddle to work even with only half an eye open at 4.30am :)

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I bought Startools on Saturday and received the liscense key on Monday morning.

I couldn’t be happier and recommend it - Cost about £35 which in this hobby is nothing. 

I found this tutorial on it which I have been using https://astro.ecuadors.net/processing-a-noisy-dslr-image-stack-with-startools/

There is a free unlimited time trial (You Just  can’t save the photo) so you can have a play.

Maybe one day when I am more experienced I will try Pixinsight but at this early stage the last thing I need is more reasons to get Migraines trying to work it all out. Startools couldn’t be easier and I couldn’t be happier :)

Good Luck with your decision and clear Skies!


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  • 1 month later...

This is a very interesting thread, virtually the same question as the OP, but from reading some comparisons of software, some is a little tougher on the brain to get into.

For background, I work away from home a lot and am constructing a remote obsy that is going to be very automated - better to dial in and look at things from a hotel room than stare at Netflix...

I have a Raspi for automation of the roof and anything else and a slightly more powerful linux mini box that could be dealing with capturing, but I have desktops and a server sitting idle that could run more powerful packages, so I have lots of options.

I have been around software for a very long time for work, so sitting down to a powerful but raw UI with complexity between packages that I am constatly trying to wrangle would lead to it feeling like an extension of work...

I think what I need is some pointers on the simplest chain for a beginner that would allow me to learn and grow rather than drown this AP babe-in-arms until I gave up.

My feeling is that this makes AstroArt or MaximDL the way to go (learn it once, full integration from scope to processed image) but it might be APT, Nebulosity and Startools.  The cost isnt the issue here, but I will always try to get the best bang for the buck.



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Don't neglect consideration of KStars/Ekos for automated acquisition. Very full-featured, runs on a Pi, Mac, Windows, or Linux, is open source, built from the ground up for remote operation, sequences and automates dome control, heaters, park/unpark, meridian flip, guiding, mosaics, more.

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