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Back on the old bike

alan potts

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After a mass of disappointing nights caused by Me and IT, which we know stands for incredible tedious, I took some shots missing the target by a fair bit but still got something of an image to post that may have been overlooked by more experienced imagers.

This is 20x 4 minutes subs with the Canon 40D, minus one sub which 3 planes flew across, 3 I ask you. Shortened F/L with the reducer at something like 638mm and F5.7 I think. Guiding was superb at .35 of a second most of the time with an annoying blip every 7-8 minutes which hasn't seemed to affect the subs.

So this is very near Sadr, which I cropped out due to it's size.


As always rip into it with tips of how to get better, and don't say use the 071 which I have put on the shelf for when I am pointing correctly again, hopefully soon.


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1 hour ago, StarDodger said:

The annoying blip every 7-8 mins, is probably the length of the worm cycle in your mount and so some periodic error training on the mount may help.. :)

Hammer time then 😀. I am not sure it was as it was on the Dec, maybe flopping back and forth, needs to be a bit more camera heavy, it actually did it a couple of times in RA but I think that was me. I keep looking at PPEC and PEC must have a go at it sometime soon.



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1 hour ago, Adreneline said:

Very nice result Alan. You can now add open cluster IC4996 to your list of imaged targets! - and 36Cyg.


Thanks for sharing.


Even though I had no idea these were there I feel with a bit more data, (2-3hrs) and another capture next to this of the same and mosaiced there is a decent image to be had.


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5 hours ago, alan potts said:

the 071 which I have put on the shelf

We'll gladly look after it for you. I mean, you wouldn't want it to fall off 😉 ...

But seriously, I reckon it'd do the same shot in less than half the time. It would make an interesting experiment.


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9 minutes ago, alacant said:

We'll gladly look after it for you. I mean, you wouldn't want it to fall off 😉 ...

But seriously, I reckon it'd do the same shot in less than half the time. It would make an interesting experiment.


With my pointing problems of late, I'm not sure I can find it again, I would like to take a panel next to is tonight and maybe another next to that getting this region of clouds around there and stack them as mosaic, may be nice, right overhead now and that mean very nice guiding.

As for the 071, all in good time, I don't have an IR/UV filter due to a misunderstanding, I have a 1,25 inch but that's useless on this camera.


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