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Bank Holiday Dew


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I'd worked the bank holiday weekend and finished at 7pm on the Monday with the temperature still in the mid 20Celsius range.

 The drive home in the evening sunshine persuaded me it may be a good night to take the scope out for a shake down before the nights really draw in. The moon being a waning crescent and not up while the early hours was conclusive.

 I had a Quick bite to eat and packed the car, my power tank unfortunately wasn't charged and looked decidedly ready for a new battery only reading 9V on the meter when I switched it on. I would have to fore go the dew heaters.

The drive to the local spot by the reservoir was a quiet one and dusk had set in so by the time I arrived (just gone 9pm) I was setting up in the dark. The car park had one other car in it a guy out walking his dog who reappeared 10mins after I'd opened the boot. 

 The scope set up was done in about 20mins and no hiccups after 4 months of it not seeing the stars.

 Collimation was a smidge out and took me no time to adjust.

 In went the de-rigueur 13mm Ethos and I settled the scope down to near the horizon and lined everything up on Saturn.

 The view in the fading heat was a wobbly one although good to see the moons with Rhea and Dione directly above and Enceladus and Tethys below at the 4 and 5 pm position. Titan was floating off to the west side of the view way out.

 I spent probably 3/4 hour just letting the planet drift through the eyepiece whilst settling my eye into the view. It calmed quite a bit as the scope and surrounding land cooled more. I moved on after a few glimpses of the Cassini division.

 I swung the scope onto M51 but it hung in the light pollution above Manchester to the north west so the views were unspectacular. I was just able to make out the spiral arms but really poor view.

 I span the scope around and settle it on Sadr in the middle of Cygnus as it hangs directly overhead. As I looked a meteor streaked down the western side of the constellation heading south with a healthy tail on it.

 I quickly landed on M29 and the familiar cooling tower asterism this small group makes.

 NGC6888 the crescent neb was my next view and my mind instantly went back to the views at Skye late last year. Hmmmm quite a difference and as though someone had dimmed the lights on it. I struggled to pick it out without a filter and even with the filters the filaments that make this such a beauty to look at just weren't there.

 Looking at my star chart I moved onto another Skye target NGC6894 the Diamond ring neb in the south west area on Cygnus.

 The nebula slid into view although as before didn't pop. Well at least my star hopping skills were working and my eye was definitely in.

 I headed further towards the southern horizon jotting down the small open cluster NGC6885 on the way to the Blue flash Neb NGC6905. Not so much a blue flash as a small grey fuzz with some structure in the core.

 Drifting now into Sagitta I tried for a good 5mins to pick out NGC 6886 and small nebula but it eluded me? I gave up and pulled M71 out instead. lovely to view a glob and the core stars had the usual 3D effect you get on these in the 22".

 A galaxy next up and NGC6906 which was a struggle to draw out of the hazy view which I admitted in my notes (difficult averted vision)

 An owl cried out and some other bird in the distance and I jotted down another meteor for the night from Cygnus towards Ursa major.

 I carried on and bagged another Glob NGC6934 which was small but still giving up its core stars to the aperture.

 Things were getting hazier but checking everything the scope was wet through with Dew (where's my battery!!!) and I decided to call it not long after midnight.

 I started to pack away and with the LED torch pointing skywards the moisture in the air showed itself to be heavy.

 With the scope safely stowed for the journey home I stood looking skywards and picked out a pair of separated satellites on the same trajectory heading north east after brushing Altair. Quite a strange sight.

 I left wishing for more but the Dew and lack of anything to combat it had put an early end to it.

 As I climbed the hillside the car headlights picked out the mist which cleared as I topped the crests. Must find higher ground away from the reservoir next time so may have to have a recce if I'm staying local. if not I shall probably head north and try Sutton bank again for the next session.

 Anyway it's always good to get out and I enjoyed the relaxing at the eyepiece in peaceful surroundings. Until the next eagerly awaited  session clear skies all.

P.s. at least there wasn't many midges which are far worse than the dew!!!

Edited by mapstar
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Great to hear you're getting back to it mate...the views on Skye linger long in the memory!...that diamond ring was a little beauty. I think that dew is a company we'd rather not have but at this time of year drastic measures need to be taken!...thanks for sharing and roll on to darker crisper views!...clear skies. 

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Lovely stuff Damian, great to read you are back in the saddle after the summer, let's hope for some great autumn skies!

I managed to get to a dark site in Wales last night with the 14", very nice too. Luckily for me no dew as the sea breeze kept it off :)

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Cheers all. It was a good starter session but 

Hickson 7 not sure I've viewed that Mark. Would've been behind the clump of trees and through more mist on monday so probably not observable. 

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Good read Damian thanks for compiling, the procedure comes back to you in an instance even when after a long period of inactivity. As you describe, becoming reacquainted with the relaxing peaceful surroundings, a meteor streaking past and how often, due to conditions, do we get to yearn thinking 'I left wishing for more'. Quite acknowledge it would be hard to compare with your autumn trips to Skye, although more often that not, as you say, just good to get out. Considering higher ground sites to avoid dew and the threat of midges a sound plan.

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Cheers guys and more to come when shifts and weather permit.


On 29/08/2019 at 21:55, Littleguy80 said:

 Your description of the Blue Flash is much as I saw it. I wonder if shows more blue at lower magnifications? 

I have seen the blue in it, im putting it down to the amount of moisture in the air meant the transparency suffered and why all the targets I viewed were mushy. 

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