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I have an observing buddy :)


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After managing to evict the moth that made a temporary home inside my 80ED, tonight when I opened up I discovered another little friend visiting the observatory.

The southern gable is OSB, covered with breathable membrane and then featheredge boarding.  There's a slight gap between the boarding and the membrane on the bottom piece.  Whilst I was at that end of the observatory I heard a scratching noise coming from the gable, and as I turned to look I saw a bat emerge from the gap and fly off in search of dinner :)


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4 minutes ago, Craney said:

I had a hedgehog take up residence in my  Telegizmo's  scope cover as it was lying on the lawn.   

A bit disconcerting seeing the cover move across the grass by itself !!!

That has got to be a bit freaky :)


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