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Very clear last night


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Exceptionally clear here in south Wiltshire last night.

Grabbed a met office map for midnight.

I believe this situation, between two anticyclones and two low pressure areas is called a ‘col’.

I don’t know if this is generally regarded as favourable for good observing conditions?334942CC-D818-4BEC-B800-B0C5BC0DD465.gif.47e391aeb0edfb438d7c168183e93cd9.gif

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A col produces light winds so potentially stable air to view planets and double stars. So good seeing.

However the air was not particularly transparent where I am. Before sunset it was hazy with visibility less than 10 miles. For the best transparency cool air from the North / North West can be best.


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I don't mean to hijack your thread, just to agree with you. This whole weekend has been amazing in the SE of the UK.  In fact, i just had a 2 hour session outside and i could clearly see the milky way from my Bortle 5 location. London glow usually makes that impossible. 


Not only that but for the first time since i bought the things, i could actually see M31 clearly through my 9x50 finder ( i know its a nakes eye object, but not from here) and could easily see M110 next to it with my 25mm (first time for me). I could also JUST make out M27 through the finder as well... On top of that, globular clusters were far more detailed that normal. Pretty awesome...sadly work tomorrow meant i couldn't stay out longer to take advantage of this rare clarity. 


I was about to create a thread about the clear skies this bank holiday weekend and saw you beat me to it! 😄






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