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Only noise on PHD2

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Hi, i’m new to imaging with a telescope. I have an apochromatic refractor telescope and a 60mm ZWO guide scope. I have a ZWO ASI guide cam and another ZWO ASI imaging camera. I use a SkyWatcher mount. 

I wanted to try autoguiding with PHD2. My guide cam was connected and my mount was on-cam connected to PHD2. When i tried to loop image, it kept showing noise (like static) only! The noise pattern changed every refresh (1s exposure). I did my polar alignment first, it then did a 1-star alignment towards Arcturus. Only thing is, i can’t confirm if it’s in view because the cameras don’t pick up any stars! The telescope was definitely pointing at it but i can’t know if it’s centered. I also tried in the ASICAP program but it’s basically all black. I also use ASCOM platform. I tried changing the ‘gain’ and exposure time but it doesn’t change much (it will just change the static to brighter for example). I made a new dark library in PHD2 but it didn’t change anything. It also shows static when the cap is on (so fully dark). I tried focusing with my scope but the noise is just always there. Can someone please help me, i don’t know what to do. I even tried pointing my telescope towards the center of the milky way and take some long exposures with my imaging cam, it will show a few red or green stars/points at most. Shouldn’t i at least be seeing more when i do that? 


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Hi and welcome to SGL, you've come to the right place for advice although some of it may be contradictory 😂

Are you sure you're in focus? try focusing  in daylight on something distant or clouds.


Red and green points are probably hot pixels not stars.

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