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Hello from Spain!


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Hello everybody! After years of reading and learning lots of things in this great community, i decided to step in :) From child, I always wanted to know more about general science, astronomy, electronics and generally speakinig, all type of technics. This soon leaded me to start playing nuts and volts, disassembling things, blowing home's main fuse, etc :)  I made two small refractors with binoculars lenses and other optical experiments using recicled lenses from cameras -with not much success- but that teached me lots of things about optics. I am now an electronics technician, I work in an SMD pcb manufacturing company. My main hobbies are also electronics, astronomy, optics, electromechanics, aerospace, and huh... too many more! :)

I hope to be as helpfull as I can

Best regards,


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