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7 or 10 Amp power supply?

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I'm probably going to get one of these shortly, and I know the usual advice is to go for the highest capacity you can afford, but I'm not quite convinced.

I usually only run the EQ6 off it. Occasionally I use dew heaters - one for the 9x50 finder and/or one for the ED80, and always through a dew controller. In extreme circumstances I may need to use a 12v hairdrier or a 1.25" dew strip for short periods. I don't know offhand the current all these units all take up, but I doubt the total (worst case scenario) exceeds 7A.

I don't use, or have plans to use anything else off it. OR DO I??

Those of you who have these units: what do you have plugged into them (that I would potentially use in teh future) and what current do they draw?

Advice appreciated!


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I bought the 10 amp one becuase even though I'm only running my EQ6 off of it now, I could run virtually everything (bar the laptop) off of it and having a backup solution if my battery dies was worth the extra pennies IMO.


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I have three of these Maplin PSU's, in various sizes, and two of them have been in use, trouble free, for several years now.

Although 7 Amps is adequate for your current (excuse the pun :) ) needs, if the extra cost isn't an issue, then go for the 10 Amp supply.

It always better to under run PSU's as opposed to running them near to their limit. With the 10 Amp supply, you'll also have plenty in-hand fo anything thing else that you might want to power in the future.


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