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Which Scope, advice observations welcome

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Currently using a WO ZS73 doublet for astrophotography, gives great wide field views and is going to be a keeper whatever else I do. I am going to buy a triplet and the 2 I am currently looking at are a new WO GT81 on offer at FLO for £995 and a used Altair Astro 115 triplet at £1275 on ABS. Primarily to be used for DSO astrophotography, comments from anyone who has experience with either welcome. Thanks in advance.


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I have an old model AA115 and have nothing but praise for it. Other than the annoying end cap it has been lovely to image with. Given you are keeping the widefield scope, I would get the AA115 to give a better range of focal lengths for your 2 options.

Here are some images taken with it. Any issues with images are not the scopes fault! My AA115 images on AstroBin

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