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Super chuffed with my DIY "push to", IT WORKS!

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After an unsuccessful bid to find a larger frac (at the right price) on the used market for DSO hunting, I decided I should try harder with my current 4" ED. One of the problems I have though is star hopping to the faint fuzzies with my RDF. So I did some little mount mods to the AZ4 to help me along...

OK, this is not a new idea by a long stretch - I added a digital inclinometer to the Alt axis (actually this one is borrowed from work, I have a Wixey coming tomorrow) and flipped the AZ setting circle for use in the Northern hemisphere and added a new pointer made from white electrical tape in a more convenient position than the original. Most people probably don't use the setting circles on their AZ4's so won't have noticed they're configured for the Southern hemisphere :(

I also made a little bracket to mount my mobile phone in a position similar to where the nav computers are seen on some push-to mounts. This allows me to run Stellarium and read off target AltAz cords without rooting through my pockets for the phone every 2mins and the screen can be left on constantly in red mode to prevent having to unlock the phone, which temporarily throws up a bright white keypad - not good for night vision.

IMG-20190819-WA0006.thumb.jpg.4bffe4f7b35c92605b118adece9d8cef.jpg  IMG-20190819-WA0005.thumb.jpg.980b3fa7e9f40816b8186cc63a10481f.jpg

Got it all set up and in broad daylight thought I'd take a punt at finding Jupiter, so I dialled in the specified 16 degrees alt on the inclinometer and scanned roughly whre I knew its Az location to be and...


BANG, alt was right on target. Set the AZ circle to match the reading in Stellarium and that's me calibrated for the night. Soooooo easy and accurate (so far).

I'm super chuffed with this as it should save a lot of random scanning in the general area of faint DSO's. I have also ordered an 8x50 RACI finder to replace the red dot which should further aid locating the fuzzies.




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10 hours ago, Ships and Stars said:

Very nice! How did you make the phone bracket? I like this setup, simple but effective. 

Actually, I already had the phone holder but it was attached to a synta style finder dovetail. I removed the dovetail and made the small black bracket that goes between the mount and the phone holder. It's a strip of 3mm aluminium, drilled to accept the bolts either end and slightly twisted to tilt the phone back to a better viewing angle. Gave it a lick of paint and job done.

9 hours ago, omo said:

Like the phone holder, whole thing is rather tidy.

I think i will try similar, think a red anodised item for push bike handlebars would do it

Yes, I have this on my bike which is very sturdy, I may make another bracket and experiment with it. They are available in all sorts of colours including a nice green similar to the new skywatcher trim. The benefit of the one I made yesterday though, is that it is very small when no phone is fitted, only sticks out about an inch and collapses down to about 2" high.


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I'm pleased to say that last nights observing session went very well with the new system. I nailed every target in the FoV of my 32mm plossl, first time and it also allowed me to leave the UHC filter fitted as I didn't have to rely on star hopping. 

Only point to note was that leaving Stellarium running on the phone murdered the battery, despite running on a note9 which has a 4000+mAh battery! I will have to connect my usb power tank for longer sessions.

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21 minutes ago, parallaxerr said:

I'm pleased to say that last nights observing session went very well with the new system. I nailed every target in the FoV of my 32mm plossl, first time and it also allowed me to leave the UHC filter fitted as I didn't have to rely on star hopping. 

Only point to note was that leaving Stellarium running on the phone murdered the battery, despite running on a note9 which has a 4000+mAh battery! I will have to connect my usb power tank for loner sessions.

Haha, that's brilliant! Nice to be able to leave the filter in place as well. May I ask which version of Stellarium you are using? I looked online last night, think there is a standard and a pro or plus version, but more than a few seem to prefer the standard version. I think there's also a PC version for laptop/desktops. I started with SkyView though now mostly use SkySafari, but I like how Stellarium gives coordinates as such.  Should be quite easy to plug into a power tank to keep the phone humming along. This is a real timesaver for those not running GOTO and don't have super-dark skies to easily hop to targets.

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2 hours ago, Ships and Stars said:

Haha, that's brilliant! Nice to be able to leave the filter in place as well. May I ask which version of Stellarium you are using? I looked online last night, think there is a standard and a pro or plus version, but more than a few seem to prefer the standard version. I think there's also a PC version for laptop/desktops. I started with SkyView though now mostly use SkySafari, but I like how Stellarium gives coordinates as such.  Should be quite easy to plug into a power tank to keep the phone humming along. This is a real timesaver for those not running GOTO and don't have super-dark skies to easily hop to targets.

I use the PC version too, it's very good.

I'm using the free Andoid version, don't think it's pro in any way. Currently v1.29.8.

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10 minutes ago, heliumstar said:



Great setup Jon!

Can you shoot over a link to suitable digital inclinometer. Would this one work? https://www.amazon.co.uk/Wixey-Digital-Angle-Gauge-magnetic/dp/B00CEXR8ZG

Now I need to figure out how to add AZ setting circle to Ayo Vamo.

Thanks. Yep, that's the exact one I've ordered, it's out for delivery now 😁

For anyone else considering this, be aware that the Wixey Type 2 inclinometer has a permanent green backlight, so this, the type 1 which isn't backlit is more suitable imo.

Other brands are available 😆

And, this is the phone holder I have, though I can't remember where I got it from now! It was a UK supplier, but there's loads of other options anyway.

Image result for phone holder telescope finder

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This is similar to the setup I am working with currently on my AD10 - I have circles on the base, but I am going to be using my iPhone 7+ as an inclinometer - using the level app - because I can turn the screen very dim red - the wixey I bought was WAY too bright.

And I have either an iPad Pro or my laptop with SkySafari for locations (depending on if my wife wants to use the iPad while I am out 😆)

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