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M101 Pinwheel Galaxy cropped


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This image came from the first set of subs i took in a dual setup system at the start of April. One camera was at near-45 degrees to the other so i fixed the problem and promptly forgot about these. Having re-found them I decided to try processing them anyway despite having to heavily crop, and no worthwhile flats. Happily most of my ccd dust is towards the edge of frame so they mostly got cut out.
Each scope produced just 10 each of LRGB 300" and one did an additional 10 x 300" Ha

I have treated this as more of a trial than anything else, but c&c are always welcomed.

Thanks for looking


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Looks very good.  My CC would be to reduce the brightness of theM101--allot of details are hiding behind the glare.  As you increase contrast in the disc and spiral arms 2 things will happen  1) color will become more saturated--you can decrease s it if its too much color--but often it looks good and 2) details will emerge as long as focus and seeing permit--part of this will be the spiral arms will differentiate a bit more


It is a tough target and you have done well


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Thanks all very much for the comments; i am fairly pleased as this was only ever to be an experiment, and nearly ended up being lost data.

I think my fundamental problem is that I don't have enough data and i'm sure that would go a long way to address Rodd and Alan's feedback

Edited by ampleamp
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