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Red Moon Rising


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Last evening our club had an event following a NASA/JPL Solar System Ambassador program to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing. Since it was a public event, I was setup for visual rather than photography. And since it was extremely windy down by the water, I had my little RedCat rather than my 12" dob. After all the guests left, I thought it appropriate to hang around for the moon rise since it was the anniversary and all. The few of us who stayed were well rewarded with a beautiful moon rise. It started coming up on the horizon and we could only see a little of it through the trees. At first we thought the little spot of it we could see was a red marker light on the mast of a ship or something, but it continued rising higher and growing larger we realized what it was. It was absolutely as red as it could possibly be. I took these images through the eyepiece using my cell phone. I didn't do any color correction to them, just a slight bit of smart sharpening. There's a bit of distortion on the red image due to the refraction through the atmosphere. The other image was taken a several minutes later after the red cast had gone away.

William Optics RedCat 51mm
William Optics CatEye 10mm eyepiece
Google Pixel XL



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