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Memories of the big SL9 impact on Jupiter


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Just saw a tweet from Damian Peach reminding us that it’s 25 years this evening since Comet Shoemaker Levy 9 smashed into Jupiter. What a night that was!

Who remembers where they were / what they saw?

I remember going out with my dad and my little 4.5” Tesco reflector, not really having a clue what to expect. We sat peering at the planet for a good few hours, hoping maybe to see some flashes or some pockmarks by ultimately never seeing anything (probably due to the rather shoddy optics on my Argos- purchased entry scope).  Here’s an extract from my notebook at the time: 


I remember seeing the HST images on the news later on (or possibly the following morning) and being blown away. It was great to be part of the event, despite no useful observations!


Edited by FenlandPaul
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Crikey! 25 years?

I was living in Waterloo in Belgium at the time. We had been on a family day-trip to the Ardennes and I watched it on returning home, using my C8 on a Vixen Superpolaris mount.

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Wish I had been able to observe that event. Remember following what happened in the news but I didn’t have access to a scope back then. What an sight that must have been, not least for an active amateur astronomer.

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I returned home from a meeting of the Border Astronomical Society that night. Full of anticipation, I went out to my domed Observatory, rolled up the shutter, turned the opening to face the local meridian. Set the stepper motor drive in motion place a 12mm Plossl eyepiece in the focuser, I turned my 12" home made Newtonian to Jupiter and waited patiently for the Impact areas to rotate into view.  They slowly appeared ion tandem,  one dark patch after another, until there were no more.  I had never felt such Awe and excitement as did that memorable night. I was pleased.that shredded comet had been pulled in by the mighty Jupiter, and prevented mother Earth from a possible future meeting with Shoemaker Levy 9.





Edited by barkis
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