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The Dark Side of the Moon....... from Harrogate !!


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No, Yorkshire hasn't launched its own Lunar Space Program.......  this is a touring piece of visual art by Luke Jerram and part of the Harrogate International Festival.

Here it is being displayed in St Wilfrid's Church, Harrogate.  


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Thanks, but that doesn't look "dark". It appears to be lit. Of course the side of the Moon that is dark shifts continuously around the lunar surface during the course of a 29.5-day synodic month. Essentially, one side of the Moon continuously faces the Earth, but it rotates relative to the Sun.  When the Moon appears as a crescent, most of its surface facing us is dark, albeit dimly lit by earthshine.

Perhaps you are referring to the "far" side of the Moon, which alternates between dark and light during a synodic month. The same can be said for the "near" side.


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I expect it is a play on name of the music album of the same name.   The dark side being the side we don't normally see.  That's interesting - a whole sphere of the moon lit from both sides.  I bet a lot of folks will be interested to see it lit from both sides and a chance to see the side of the moon that we don't see from our perspective here on earth.

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Many  folks believe the Moon doesn't rotate as it keeps the same face with respect to the Earth. But we know that it does turn once In  it's 27 day orbit around  Earth.  Only  an observer outside the Earth  Moon system could then see the side of our satellite we can't  from here.   An observer on the Earth side of the Moon, would be able to see most of  Earth's surface quite quickly due to the Earth's Axial rotation and the Moon's orbital motion.  

A long winded summary, I just hope I haven't got this wrong. 🤔


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OK...  yes I should have said FAR side..... but it was too tempting with the Pink Floydian reference......

Yes, the whole sphere is lit, so it does not make pure astronomical sense anyway,  but hey !!......  its a piece of art....

One thing I have noticed is because of its size and aspect, you cannot get the true Earth perspective as the top limb gets progressively hidden as you walk nearer to it.

Still, I enjoyed the experience.

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