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First week with Quark


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Today was fourth time out with new Quark this week - bought for higher mag solar views and travel - took advantage of price reduction at FLO. First three sessions were frustrating mainly due to poor seeing (and obvious lack of surface detail). Using Equinox 80 and Tak FC-100 with TV plossls. Seeing much better today and tried plossl/Tak combination with cheap 0.5x Antares reducer - still difficult to assess surface performance, but the two faint proms were gorgeous. Still sharp up to 90x and could have taken more but I was happy just to drink in the views. Tried all settings so think I have tuning sorted - still to see how it delivers on filaments and active regions. Lunt 60 certainly copes better with poor seeing, but today's proms were exquisite - a step up from anything I've experienced before.

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Did you get the Prominence or the Chromosphere version? I too have just got one this week and trying it out this weekend. 

I got the prominence one and I’m wondering if I made a mistake. Even with relatively decent seeing (according to meteo blue) I couldn’t see any proms visually. I was recommended the prom over the chromosome by the shop because he said you see more in poor seeing. I’m using it on a WO 71 GT.

It was ok when I used a camera but a little underwhelming. At least with a chromosphere one I’d imagine I’d be seeing something on the disk...

That said, I may yet be using it sub-optimally...

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8 hours ago, London_David said:

Did you get the Prominence or the Chromosphere version? I too have just got one this week and trying it out this weekend. 

I got the prominence one and I’m wondering if I made a mistake. Even with relatively decent seeing (according to meteo blue) I couldn’t see any proms visually. I was recommended the prom over the chromosome by the shop because he said you see more in poor seeing. I’m using it on a WO 71 GT.

It was ok when I used a camera but a little underwhelming. At least with a chromosphere one I’d imagine I’d be seeing something on the disk...

That said, I may yet be using it sub-optimally...

I got a Chromosphere  - although every Quark is quirky, Chromosphere models seem to do well on proms, hence Peter's advice.

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