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flo clear outside app

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I usually check the Met Office forecast and watch as whatever they have forecast turns into cloud as soon as it reaches "now".

Doubt I shall be out tonight even if it is clear though.  For some reason I'm feeling very tired, but also I'm going to be working until getting on for midnight I reckon :(  It's always the way...


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15 minutes ago, JamesF said:

I usually check the Met Office forecast and watch as whatever they have forecast turns into cloud as soon as it reaches "now".

Doubt I shall be out tonight even if it is clear though.  For some reason I'm feeling very tired, but also I'm going to be working until getting on for midnight I reckon :(  It's always the way...


I feel your pain I normally dont finish work until 1 am  . And yes it looks like some clouds are coming in 🤨

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At least I'm working from home :)

I've just been out to shut the chickens in for the night.  The last couple of nights a few have decided they'd like to sleep on top of their houses rather than inside.  Tonight they're all inside without me needing to persuade them to move.  I reckon they must know something...


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1 hour ago, JamesF said:

At least I'm working from home :)

I've just been out to shut the chickens in for the night.  The last couple of nights a few have decided they'd like to sleep on top of their houses rather than inside.  Tonight they're all inside without me needing to persuade them to move.  I reckon they must know something...


Sorry @JamesF... I could not resist it! 

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10 hours ago, JamesF said:

At least I'm working from home :)

I've just been out to shut the chickens in for the night.  The last couple of nights a few have decided they'd like to sleep on top of their houses rather than inside.  Tonight they're all inside without me needing to persuade them to move.  I reckon they must know something...


We've had terrible trouble with fox's, lost seven of our chicken's a few months back during daylight. Suffice to say we alway's put our girls to bed before dusk, never later than 6.30pm even now cus of the foxes. Saw one fox cub brazenly trotting past our house early one evening last week. We've also lost a duck last year, just tore the head off and left the body. 

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Just to get this thread back on topic....

At the end of the day the Clear Outside app is just another forecast, subject to that wretchedly unpredictable force of nature called “weather”.  

I find it best to just look out of the window.  Even then, there is no guarantee of it staying clear, although Metcheck’s satellite maps are a big help in that respect.

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I've got mine set to my home as default. Weather in the UK doesn't help me. :D I use a plethora of apps and weather services including the FLO app, Astrospheric app, Wunderground website, and Clear Dark Sky website. Unfortunately, none of them ever agree 100%, sometimes they all say different things, and even if they do say different things they have all often been wrong. The weather is very predictable in that it's unpredictable. 

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I tend to use 3 or 4 weather apps, clear Outside being one of them.  Normally the other two are BBC Weather and YR.NO a Norwegian site I have been using for a number of years which is fairly reliable.  Sometimes I also look at the Met office.

I normally need to check whether it is worth going to astro camp monthly, so need to know a couple of days before ideally.  If two out of the 3 are saying the same thing I normally trust it, but some of them can be so different I wonder where they get their information from.


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17 hours ago, Fieldsy said:

Hi all

How many of you check the clear out side app and think hooray look at all that green 🥳🥳🌠, and then click location and it's all red and orange 😭😭😭😭.


Pretty much every time 😀

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8 hours ago, carastro said:

... but some of them can be so different I wonder where they get their information from.


My understanding, from someone who used to work in a related area, is they all get their UK raw data from the Met Office, who obviously have first dibs on their own data, but thereafter they do their own modelling. And she also says the Met Office has the biggest and best models with which to forecast.

Personally, that bears out with my own empirical feeling, that the Met Office’s forecasts seem to be the most reliable.

But I realize I’m risking treading on sacred ground here...


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.. but some of them can be so different I wonder where they get their information from.


My understanding, from someone who used to work in a related area, is they all get their UK raw data from the Met Office, who obviously have first dibs on their own data, but thereafter they do their own modelling. And she also says the Met Office has the biggest and best models with which to forecast.

Personally, that bears out with my own empirical feeling, that the Met Office’s forecasts seem to be the most reliable.

I had a feeling that was the case, and yet ironically in my experience, I use the Met office weather forecasts the least because they seem to be the least reliable (on their website at least).


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