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Tenerife - up Mt Teide tomorrow nite !!!


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Hello all.   In Tenerife for the week and booked a trip up the volcano tomorrow night.   Trusting the skies may well be an improvement on skies in the UK.  No moon either.  My Canon IS binos are with me.  (10 X 30) 

Guess a few people on here have been the same route ???  Will report back in due course if this of any interest.

Kind regards.   John 

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I was there last month, for a week of fantastically clear nights and glorious Milky Way views! I intend to post a selection of the resulting astrophotos at some point. 

In the meantime, hope you too have clear skies, John, and enjoy your visit to Mt Teide!

Regards, Mike.

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Yes I have done that too. Spectacular.  You will love it!

I was in Lanzarote end of May.  Magnificent clear skies 8 out 10 nights.  I have not seen the stars properly from where I live in Nottingham since I have been back home it's been so bad.  You could not have picked a better contrast of there and here!

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Evening all.  As promised review after my trip yesterday. 

Weather a bit overcast at our hotel but hit the coach and off we went.  Steep climbing thru the mist and then break out into the sun as if had just landed near Curiosity rover.  Very Mars like. 

The views around the volcano were fab.  Expecting Butch and Sundance to come around the rocks on horseback at some point. 

Cracking sunset about 9.15 and we headed for the tours viewing point.  Skies darkened and was mightily impressed. Still able to pick out the constellations.  Viewing with my binos was another level completely.  Sagittarius and Scorpio region particularly - clusters and globs all over.  Found the coat hanger cluster readily between all the depth of stars.  Running up and down Cygnus was a favourite. 

Overall a great experience.  Not too chilly either.  

HTH anyone doing the same.  You won't regret it !!!!   Maybe once your back in your own backyard. ??!!  



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14 hours ago, MarkRadice said:

The only downside to observing from Mt Teide is that our U.K. skies now seem so poor in comparison. 

So true. After visiting a few dark sites in France,  Spain and La palma, I've all but given up on imaging from the murky and light polluted south coast!

I'm  in the fortunate position of being able to afford a remote shed at E-Eye in Spain with a friend. We're  setting up there in September.

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